Search results

  1. JojosReef

    PSA, $50 derasa clam at Culver Petco

    I love your derasas! Which one was the Petco one? The middle has a lovely pink color doesn't it? What light do you use for that and do you know ~PAR you're getting on the sandbed?
  2. JojosReef

    PSA, $50 derasa clam at Culver Petco

    Awesome! I don't know if we should be promoting clams stocking at Petco, but glad it made it to a happy tank!
  3. JojosReef

    90 Gallon Waterbox Aquarium and Stand

    Nice deal, very tempting!
  4. JojosReef

    PSA, $50 derasa clam at Culver Petco

    Agreed. Now who's going to save this poor clam??
  5. JojosReef

    PSA, $50 derasa clam at Culver Petco

    It's definitely not an ultra. I just feel bad for where it is. I could be wrong, but I don't think they have it under a radion or even a Prime. If no one buys it soon, I'm tempted to just pick it up and put it on top of my rocks in a makeshift cradle filled with sand--would be getting 200-250...
  6. JojosReef

    PSA, $50 derasa clam at Culver Petco

    Was just there looking for a turbo and saw a derasa for $50. Wasn't the most colorful specimen. I don't know if they have good enough light to support a clam at Petco (maybe they do? I didn't see any non-soft corals, though...). Anyway, this is a PSA in case anyone wants to rescue a $50 clam...
  7. JojosReef

    Thinking ahead, sea hare swap near Irvine

    Thanks, I do have a few banded trochus, and they spend time all over the glass and the rocks, but I don't see them attacking the thicker mats of GHA, which are also difficult to remove manually. So was hopig the sea hare would be a real lawn mower, but it was mostly meh. I was just at Petco on...
  8. JojosReef

    Thinking ahead, sea hare swap near Irvine

    I got mine from Tong's. It was a bit on the pricey side at $26. I am going to look for a turbo for now instead--the sea hare is a bit stresful because it likes to go up next to the powerhead, and of course I worry about it crashing the tank. What I started doing to slowly kill off the GHA is...
  9. JojosReef

    Thinking ahead, sea hare swap near Irvine

    @bsk997 I'm sorry, but the sea hare died. It was hanging out in the codium bush and I thought it was just munching away. Today started turning white and I knew it died. Sorry about that! I am not sure what the problem was. NO3 was running in the 10-20ppm range as usual, and salinity has been...
  10. JojosReef

    Thinking ahead, sea hare swap near Irvine

    I've had some territorial issues with my crabs. One ReefCleaners emerald has been *allegedly* killing off the others a few days to weeks after adding them. It eats bubble algae at a moderate pace. Biggest problem is the top rock, which is owned by my spotted nem crab, and he seems very...
  11. JojosReef

    Thinking ahead, sea hare swap near Irvine

    Great! It's been working. Sometimes takes a break and buries it's head in the sand. But, I think it'll be ready next week at this rate. Work for you? Let's start with a simple borrow and see how it goes.
  12. JojosReef

    Thinking ahead, sea hare swap near Irvine

    Hi all, I have a sea hare working in my Fluval Evo. Algae isn't quite under control yet, but on it's way. Once I've cleared all GHA, I would like to lend out my sea hare to a good tank somewhere near Irvine (no charge). It can be returned or lent to another tank once your algae problems are...
  13. JojosReef

    WTB: Macros and maybe some acans!

    Wait a bit and I will give you codium and brotycladia. Just trimmed mine, but it overgrows every few weeks and I have to trim them again. If you can wait that long, of course :~)
  14. JojosReef

    Sea Hare

    I have one. It has been spending most of it's time on my macroalgae (codium), and hasn't been too much on my GHA, which is on the very top of the rocks (might be the problem). DM me, and we can chat!
  15. JojosReef

    2 stalks Brotycladia for free if quick pickup

    Taken! Please close. Thanks!
  16. JojosReef

    2 stalks Brotycladia for free if quick pickup

    Broty is casting shade on my clam again. Anyone able to pick up in Irvine today or latest tomorrow by mid-day? I have 2 stalks. If two reefers want it, I'll split, otherwise can take two. Grows well under an AI Prime 16HD with AB+ spectrum. My tank has no aiptasia that I can see. Some...
  17. JojosReef

    Free blue spot disco to rehab in Irvine

    Blue spot disco came off and looks a bit beat up. Not sure if the shrimp had a bite of it or not. I might need some TLC to get back to looking good. In any case, if anyone wants it, you can pick it up in Irvine near Spectrum. Oh, please bring a small container, as I'm running out of...
  18. JojosReef

    Bubble Algae

    My emeralds from ReefCleaners do a decent job, but it is a 10g, so not that much, and they can't get to the top rock due to territorial disputes with a nem crab. An emerald I got from AquaSD decimated bubble algae, but it also chewed on every coral it passed along the way. Wasn't obsessed with...
  19. JojosReef

    Emerald crab eating sps?

    Oh that's unfortunate. All of my emeralds from ReefCleaners have been pretty good (although one has been territorial). The misbehaving one I had was from AquaSD. Actually best worker for bubble algae out of all of them, but would munch on everything else too.
  20. JojosReef

    Emerald crab eating sps?

    Did you buy my emerald? I got on Friday and by Monday it had taken bites out of my palys, clam and even RFA tentacles. When I caught it red clawed with a torch polyp in it's mouth, I yanked it out... Then dropped it off at Tong's!