Search results

  1. L

    Looking for coral

    Zoas. Shrooms. Hammers. Torches. Chalices. Riverside 92505
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    Grayston new member reference request

    I’ve dealt with him as well. He’s no scammer.
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    Inland Empire Reefer roll call

    The IEMAS meetings have been held at Reef Lounge Norco. These meeting are only as good as we make them. Participation is key. @emac can confirm, but think we decided every other month.
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    Another Scammer @kehys7

    Come on. Just want to pour salt on my wounds?
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    Another Scammer @kehys7

    Paid with Venmo protection services. And my claim was still denied. SMH.
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    Another Scammer @kehys7

    I must have missed his warning.
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    Another Scammer @kehys7

    Don’t do business with @kehys7. Scammer alert. This guy got me. He contacted after posting a wtb thread. Should have listened to my instincts. Live and learn. Don’t do business with @kehys7.
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    Sold4JC 60 Gallon Reef

    Great write up. I’ve seen this tank in person. And pics just don’t do it justice.
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    CC Inferno

    Gone…..please close.
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    F/S Shrooms

    Shrooms for sale CK Helter Skelter $300 ea Candy Crush $250 PowerBall $350 sm, $400 med Flamethrower $150 Riverside 92505
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    March Meeting 3/11/23 in person

    Thanks @Emac909. Good times catching up.
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    March Meeting 3/11/23 in person

    I’d like to add a couple corals for the raffle. Rainbow Infusion LOA Richards Rainbow Mummy Eye Chalice White Zombie
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    CC Inferno

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    WTB Reef Brite 60" Blue XHO

    Yes. Took off the chiller and the ati 8bulb 6 weeks ago. Have 3 XR30 G5, 3 reef brites, and one DIY Rapid Led bar. Going to continue the “blanket of light” that T5 gives, but with leds.
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    Law office aquariums grand opening.

    Denise used to have his law office in that building. It has since moved. But the aquariums remain. Richard is awesome. Go check it out.
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    CC Inferno

    CC Inferno natural split. 3-4 inches. $300 Riverside 92505
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    WTB Reef Brite 60" Blue XHO

    This will be the 4th and 5th over the tank.
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    WTB Reef Brite 60" Blue XHO

    Found some. Please close
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    WTB Reef Brite 60" Blue XHO

    WTB Reef Brite 60" Blue XHO LED Strip Light. Let me know if you have one sitting around collecting dust?
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    March meeting

    I can make 3/11 at 1pm.