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  1. xiaohuang7

    * free chaeto * + the spinning chaeto ball video

    if anyone needs a bit of free chaeto, hit me up. located near 605 x 10 frwys. nick shades told me to put this video up!
  2. xiaohuang7

    free carbisea sand, medium grit, about 120 lbs

    free! give us highend frags for our new tank lol! we went bare bottom after 10 mins after adding the sand, lol. it's been sitting in a covered plastic bin in the garage since late nov 2017, so i'm not sure if it's alive or not still. but it should be cured. please bring buckets. john *...
  3. xiaohuang7

    triton icp results, with ocean potion salt mix and after dosing additives

    just sharing... for our new tank, we used an amazon ro/di unit, ocean potion sps mix from seaside aquatics, for our new setup 5 months ago. we're running the triton method, and have been dosing their core7 (parts 1, 2, 3 and 4). in addition, we've been dosing various periodic table element...
  4. xiaohuang7

    cornbred corals - anyone buy from him before?

    i want one of his sps. what's his reputation? i saw somewhere, someome said his photos are quite photoshopped... and this looks too good to be true... i couldn't find anyone else who's actually owned or posted a photo of this acro. any ideas...
  5. xiaohuang7

    walt disney newbie

    i got a WD frag from mr. v, just a few days ago.... it's about 1" it's our 1st higher end sps. well, the entire frag is changing from a bit white-ish, to a light blue lavender. is this good? better than brown or white, lol the yellow polyps are out, and it's kinda furry on the lower part.
  6. xiaohuang7

    has anyone glued zoas or shrooms onto a CUC member?

    i thot it'd be cute to have a moving mini-zoa garden on all my snails.
  7. xiaohuang7

    can you superglue clams down?

    just curious, has anyone tried this? i very gently, with a tiny bit of glue, glued a hickhiker little clam onto my aquascape, and it hasn't opened, lol maybe the glue touched both sides!
  8. xiaohuang7

    reef brites 15% off

    just fyi, premium aquatics has a good sale, i think 15% off, definitely includes reef brites. i was sesrching since black friday, but nobody had discounts on them due to the map pricing restrictions. i ordered some 72" xhos. hurry, it may end soon.
  9. xiaohuang7

    id this metallic hard coral

    can anyone ID this chunky frag? it's color is a deep hue of blue/purple/green metallic. kinda black from a distance. looks velvety, but is hard and solid. i got it at deep blue in n. hollywood, the owner's wife didn't know what it was. i gotta figure out what flow n light it requires...