Search results

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    WTB: Cube Aquarium Stand

    Looking to buy a cube aquarium stand to fit my 27 gallon Marineland cube aquarium. The dimensions are 20" long, 18" wide, 20" tall. Give or take a quarter of an inch for the trim. I'm not looking for a perfect fit, but if you do have one- awesome. Its currently standing on my solid wood desk and...
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    Fish and other inhibitants you should not keep in your tank

    Old thread, but there are now seahorses available online that are trained to accept frozen food. Just thought someone might wanna know.
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    Any One Show Your Mangrove Set Up

    I know Coral Oasis in Costa Mesa has some. Maybe too far south for you. They run about $4-8 each I believe. Can't remember. But I ordered mine from Same price and a lot more value
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    your favorite nano reef fish

    Dwarf Seahorses, if you like a good challenge. Their babies are ridiculously cute.
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    some reef stuff

    Pmed for 30 gallon tank and cpr backpack. MAJOR DIBS!
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    FS: ORA Deisgner Clownfish!!!!!

    If only I had the room! Saving up for a used 29 gallon jbj with lots of goodies... They will be mine! Eventually.
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    Fs: 120w Led

    Search on ebay "120 watt led". You are selling it for the price of new. There's your problem.
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    IEMAS & Mystic Reef Fall Frag Fest (FFF!) 11/12/11

    Wow, thank you for posting! I've been looking around for new local fish stores to check out.
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    Crocea in Nano

    I do weekly 25% water changes on the 10 gallon sump every week with the sexy shrimp and live rock on the bottom and dwarfs on top. It is a battle! Since the dwarfs have an extremely short digestive tract and there's tons of poo. A pump turns on at night to exchange the water from the 2.5 with...
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    Crocea in Nano

    I'm considering getting a crocea clam for my 2.5 gallon dwarf seahorse tank with a 10 gallon sump. Right now I have a regular 18" T8 15W bulb and I'm convinced that is not enough to provide sufficient photosynthetic growth. The light is 6" above my 2.5 where I plan to keep the crocea. The dwarfs...
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    FS: Blue Umi Xenia

    Do you still have some frags available?
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    Glass drilling

    I am also looking for someone to drill into my 2.5 gallon to create a hole 1" in diameter. I've done this once, but resulted in a crack so I'm looking to plumb another tank. I live in Mission Viejo and am willing to travel north to the Irvine peninsula and along 55 to the 91 highway route.