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  1. Dub23

    FS... few extra things

    yeah just LMK im actually going next week to get more done...if u want i can txt u see if u wanna head out
  2. Dub23

    NEW LFS in the IE

    :wacko: wut!! new let my wallet recover
  3. Dub23

    FS: Skimmer/Return Pump

    :a41: skimmer is still sitting here
  4. Dub23

    FS: 60g Tank

    :suicide: tank is still here...just collecting cobwebs for Halloween.
  5. Dub23

    FS... few extra things

    thanks for the frag tank Mike and nice meeting you
  6. Dub23

    FS: 3 1/2" Tomini Tang

    nice fish...GLWS
  7. Dub23

    Jason at Tropical Reef Fish Store is the man!

    man!! wish i had a bigger tank....i luv dat fish wish i cud get it :pray2:
  8. Dub23

    I got a new brain

    :laugh:....i hear ya! same here
  9. Dub23

    lots of corals

    how much wud that be my friend?
  10. Dub23

    lots of corals

    if i was around ur area i wud take some...GLWS
  11. Dub23

    My 180g Addiction!

    tank looks way better in black....very nice set up :top:
  12. Dub23

    I got a new brain

    :congrats:sweet i was there monday saw stll in the bag....nice score! man i shud of taken it oh well next time around :tongue (2):
  13. Dub23

    FS: 60g Tank

    return pump is sold but skimmer still available
  14. Dub23

    FS - Rose Tip Anemone

  15. Dub23

    WTB: live rock

    thanks Jason for the them cycling