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  1. Mamejunkie

    Air bubbles in return...

    The return have tons a tiny air bubbles. Whats the best way of not having that happen?
  2. Mamejunkie

    Algae Bloom....Crap...

    I got home today and the tank is getting covered with brown algae. What can I do to fix it? Or do I just have to suck it up and wait for it to clear. I'm probably feeding too much. **** book say to feed the royal gamma 3 times a day. And the fish corpse probably doesn't help. Also read in...
  3. Mamejunkie

    How many hours is the lights on?

    My 250+400 mh are on for 12 hours from 8:00am-8:00pm.
  4. Mamejunkie

    Too Much Too Quick?

    Am I going too fast & when can I add more to the tank? Going to hold on and see what happens for the next 1-2 weeks. 180g tank cycled and running about 2-3 weeks. Week 2 - NH3=0, Nitrite/NO2=0, Nitrate/NO3=2ppm -Added 2 damsels, 4 hermit crab. -Added xenia. -Added 10 snails. *1 damsel is...
  5. Mamejunkie

    Where to get pH calibration solutions?

    I have 2 used Milwaukee pH meter and need pH calibration solution to set them up. Believe they use 4.01, 7.01 & 10.01 pH solutions to calibrate. It doesn't seem to be a common item so hard to find. Anywhere local you know of? MarineDepot doesn't carry it.
  6. Mamejunkie

    Recommended Powerhead Flow Rate?

    I'm looking into picking up some powerheads for a 180g reef tank and was wondering what the guidelines are to the flow rate. The Tunze's are too expensive but suppose to be way better and smaller. So thinking of Hydor Koralia K-3 (850gph) or K-4 (1200gph). Going to start off by getting two...
  7. Mamejunkie

    Cheap CHEAP Beginner Frags.

    Got the tank running and have a small clean-up crew with a stripe damsel. Want to try putting a few soft coral frags. The best/cheapest for dinky common frags is at a LFS far away. Nothing local to Irvine/Tustin area. Don't want to spend too much until I get a handle of what I like. Anyone...
  8. Mamejunkie

    Worm Attack!!!

    I'm cycling the tank and put in a shrimp to start the cycle. Had live rock & live sand. All of a sudden there are about a dozen worm like creatures pop out. Please help ID them and tell me if its a good thing or a bad thing. [/IMG]
  9. Mamejunkie

    Any1 have Big Digital Thermometer Instruction Manual?

    I got a used Rainbow LIfeguard Big Digital Temperature Thermometer but don't have the users manual. Tried to use it but it keeps beeping so I must be setting the temperature range wrong. Can someone with this product get me the info or post the scan of the manual? Thanks. Item Link
  10. Mamejunkie

    One pump or Two?

    I have 2 CustomSeaLife similiar to Poseidon PS4 rated @ 1224gph. I have one plumbed and testing right now. Its pushing water to the chiller & UV then back to the tank. I have to throttle it down by closing the valves to the chiller & UV half way or else it sucks the water out of the sump...
  11. Mamejunkie

    Local Plumbing Supply?

    I'm looking a local place in OC that can supply me with all the necessary plumbing supplies. Generic stuff I can get at local Home Depot/Lowes but looking for Bulkheads & Hosebarb fittings. MarineDepot is near my work but doesn't have the size combination I need/want. The sample of the old...
  12. Mamejunkie

    Not so live sand.

    I have 50-60 lbs of what was live sand sitting in plastic tubs for about 2 weeks. Didn't have the know-how or equipment to keep them up and running in water. Was only able to cycle the live rocks. How do get them ready to re-use in the tank?
  13. Mamejunkie

    Plumbing For Dummies?

    Is there a good reference thread/link here or any place else you would recommend? Got the basics of what is what but need to know what to use and what to avoid. Stuff like where to use PVC and where to use tubing. Slot or threading? 3/4" or 1". Thanks.
  14. Mamejunkie

    Hello from OC

    Hiya :wavey: I inherited a 180g and looking forward to this new hobby/money sink. Looking forward to reading/learning and getting the tank up and running.