Search results

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    4.5” Sang Lee CSB Anemone

    Pics of momma
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    4.5” Sang Lee CSB Anemone

    Split a few weeks ago and started to wander off the rocks so was able to catch it. Lineaged to Sang Lee. $350 picked up in Garden grove/cypress 92845
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    $10 code for bulk reef supply

    I have one too if anyone else needs it.
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    Green acantho and chalice frags

    Acantho and small bazooka joe frag sold
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    Green acantho and chalice frags

    Got some extra frags of bazooka joe and jf my Miami. also looking to free up my sand bed a bit. chalice frags: $60 for the 2 larger frags on right $40 for the 2 on the left $100 for the green acantho Curb side pick up in West garden grove/cypress
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    New Salifert Calcium test

    The old calcium used to be 8 drops, they changed it to 10 quite some time ago.
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    WTB: Nice anemone.

    Thanks all, just picked up this beauty!
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    WTB: Top end zoas

    $300 or I’m going chop it up later
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    WTB: Top end zoas

    Frags or colonies?
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    WTB: Nice anemone.

    Looking for a nice anemone, preferably inferno or csb but open to anything a decent size 4-5” so my clowns don’t beat it up too much. shoot me a pm if you have one.
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    Dragon soul and New York knicks torch frags

    Just got deposit for remaining 2, all of them spoken for.
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    ReefCleaners Irvine/OC group buy

    Count me in, I’ll send PM
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    Dragon soul and New York knicks torch frags

    They were cut July 19, not sure what your definition of fresh is.
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    Identification, please!

    Tunicates? I had a bunch of them popped up randomly. I didn’t do anything and they went away. When my tank was fairly new.
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    Yellow Eye Kole Tang Anywhere?

    Got my blue eye from tongs a few days ago. Hardest worker in my tank now ?