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  1. X

    How to get rid of this

    I know that feeling lol. I was about to quit too. Maybe it’s time to change your bulb? Also kind of odd but we stopped lighting scented candles and it seemed to help too in case you use candles often.
  2. X

    How to get rid of this

    Kinda looks like white slime bacteria. Socks getting clogged everyday and slime all over tank? I battled it for a long time. I think what fixed mine was a uv sterilizer. Other than that I let the tank go for months and removed my sock cause it was annoying.
  3. X

    SELLING MY 180 gallon tank & STAND $500

    Sounds like a crappy situation. Jesse bought a bunch of corals from me when I was shutting down a few years ago. Paid half up front and the rest later. But I did get paid in full within a reasonable amount of time as promised. just sayin
  4. X

    Clean up crew deals

    dam I need all of them, just not that many of each
  5. X

    Beware potential scammer +1 (424) 469-2391

    Lol it’s weird, post a wtb thread now a days and get a bunch of potential scammers sending you msg’s. Happened to me too, all too fishy around here. actually that guy was one of them to msg me lol
  6. X

    WTB: Aqua UV Classic 8w

    Like the title says, looking for the classic Aqua UV sterilizer 8w preferably in white. Pls PM me if you have one available.
  7. X

    Want to buy arowana

    I think you mean silver or black :)
  8. X

    Experience with "Catalina" Water

    the space invader on the bottom right went into that tank at Tong’s when my tank was crashing. It’s been alive there since but last I was there that tank crashed too but I think it survived still. I used to work at tongs 7-8 years ago. It was fun.
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    Experience with "Catalina" Water

    Also took care of this tank with Catalina water from tongs as welll
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    Experience with "Catalina" Water

    I used Catalina water from tongs on this tank. It thrived for 2-3 years before everything slowly declined. I could never figure it out even after I changed every piece of equipment and switched to mixed water. I battled it for almost a year before just shutting it down. I don’t think the water...
  11. X

    Tank breakdown and more!!!Corals/fish/equipment

    He might mean the controllers, black is QD. White was ES I think.
  12. X

    How do you guys clean your sandbed?

    Invest in a handful of conch snails
  13. X

    Breakthrough in Reefing

    du ma con cac nuoc mam
  14. X

    Price Drop: 60g Starfire tank set up

    Quit your bitching already.
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  16. X

    FREE Novus acrylic scratch removal kit

    Excellent for polishing headlights lol