Search results

  1. RealBigFish

    How are you keeping your tanks cooled

    I have in the past placed frozen water bottles in my refugium, 2 or 3 in a 55 gallon they last for about 30 min to an hour but it helps. Turn lights off, have fan blow on water
  2. RealBigFish

    Wtt my 90 or 95 for your 100+ plexiglass tank

    I have a nice tank and stand, cover, all wood. Looking for a plexiglass tank so I can centrally plumb all my tanks, and I want a bigger tank. So do you want a smaller tank? For easier maintenance and lower upkeep? Hit me up, maybe we can make something happen. Thanks Really looking for 150+ but...
  3. RealBigFish

    Close please

    Looking for a chiller for my sons tank. He really needs a chiller, small nano tank that he has been running for over a year looks well! But our a/c in our rental went know how long landlord will take to fix it. So bottom line, he needs an AFFORDABLE small chiller. 1/10 or 1/13 hp, etc...
  4. RealBigFish

    Phantom clownfish

    Do you still have them? Hit me up
  5. RealBigFish

    Clown fish(2) 4 sale or trade

    Black one is gone. Located in Fontana . Orange one is left. Looking for?????? What do you have?
  6. RealBigFish

    Clown fish(2) 4 sale or trade

    1.5" one black / one orange osellariss
  7. RealBigFish

    Ocellaris Blues: New Look Clowns from ORA

    Where do I get one?
  8. RealBigFish

    Asterina stars gone wild

    Damn, I still can't find o e anywhere near me. I live in Fontana
  9. RealBigFish

    Pre-oder clownfish and dottyback from Sea and Reef

    Can you get the naked clowns? Ie. All orange???
  10. RealBigFish

    Jumbo dry live rock slab/tabletop center pices WYSIWYG $800...24" X 29" 78 lbs

    That's not a live rock. Once it's dry it is base rock. Base rock is only worth about $2 or $3 a living organisms on there. Hope this is some help
  11. RealBigFish

    Designer clownfishes

  12. RealBigFish

    Designer clownfishes

    If your doing a clown harem tank you need to add all of them at once or they will fight. Their is a couple of exceptions, if they are consistently about an inch to inch and a half. You can leave one female in the tank and add super small males/ non-sex clowns. If you add them all randomly you...
  13. RealBigFish

    Frag Swap/Scratch and Dent Sale

    When is the next sidewalk sale? Ding and dent etc?