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    Vote for Aug/Sept POTM!!!!!!

    Nice job guys! It was good seeing you yesterday, Brock, great photos everyone!
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    Zoas/Palys Showcase Thread!!!

    Wow.. this is a great thread.. I need to break out some photos. Those palys look awesome Richard!!! I like the top ones. Will you have any frags available at RAP??
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    Frustrations: Retail Threads

    I see your frustrations jay, but frankly thats all anyone uses these boards for anymore, thats the beauty of the net. But if weren't for these threads, you would never have been lucky enough to see photos of that favia you want so much.
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    Warner Marine AS-300 Phat Boy Review!!!

    I know what you mean Kenny, I've wanted to add more fish to our tank to let the warner stretch its legs.. but I don't think the Sohal would be too happy.. Awesome skimmer by the way,
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    reefer garage sale... many items

    What do have available still Richard? Those new lights do make a difference. Thanks again for the great frags, I've been looking for those for a while, esp the setosa and prizm.. Give us a call if you need anything
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    reefer garage sale... many items

    the 180 Gallon is a sweet tank and a good deal, looks better in person, Good seeing you Rich
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    Seahorsedream's 65g Volitan Tank.

    Looks great, a lot better than most fish only. He looks very healthy, what do you feed him?
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    Mystic Reef... Anything New In Or Specials Lately?

    Tom, i might have a couple of those zoas ready this weekend, ill let you know
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    Phytoplankton Culture Rack

    nice bill, ive been wondering when someone would venture into phyto culture. what type of algae will you use? any rotifers? ive been wanting to set up a small station but have been looking for someone to get some starter cultures from without ordering any. are you planning on breeding or just to...
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    Mystic Reef... Anything New In Or Specials Lately?

    Hey tom, im working on those zoas for you, and i *might* be able to secure a yellow assesor from ora in the next few weeks. more purple plasmas are coming as well as 4 other new releases. the ora verde will also be available.
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    What the heck is a Clarion Angel and why is it so expensive?

    It is a protected species from Mexico, and importing them requires going through some red tape and paperwork. However because they come from mexico, which is only a few hours flight away from LA as opposed to halfway across the planet like most fish, they usually arrive in pretty good shape and...
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    Local sellers of Phoenix 150W 14K bulb

    Im getting new bulbs this week, the phoenix goes for $65, which is cheaper than even the blue life sps bulbs
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    SCMAS Meeting Friday April 18th - Special Guest Speaker: Scott Fellman

    looking forward to it greg, well be bringing out some frags for the raffle!!
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    F/S: Purple War Coral and Agent corals

    hey Tony im interested in those zoas and everything else, what are you looking for? let me know so we can trade or pm me some prices- especially on that sunset...
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    Pink polyp monti FT

    hey if you want i have a pretty extensive collection of sps if your willing to come to my shop we can work something out
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    The Mystic Reef

    Thank You Rich! Even though i had nothing left for the weekend, it was nice filling up your other tank. Anyways going again tomorrow!! See you soon!
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    FREE stuff... and some $5 frags

    Nice Pics, ill trade you some zoos or whatever for sps frags
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    The Mystic Reef

    We have begun loading some frags in the new tank, as well as a few fish. I have a nice variety of cup corals in theres, some millies, montis, and acros as well.
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    The Mystic Reef

    I just faxed my application to ORA today and should be ordering some choice clowns soon, ill let you know accordingly.
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    mystic reef

    I just went down yesterday and I guess everyone was on holiday still, because it was EMPTY!! Plus there was tons of stock because they were closed sun, so we were able to get some nice looking brains; mazes, tricolor lobos, favites, nice large. orange acan. echinata. we got some acros and montis...