1st off hoping everyone is safe. I can't believe how crazy it is out there. Already know of friends of friends that have lost property. Be safe!
That said, i have a bunch of zoas for sale but prefer to trade the lot to someone that can trade for just a handful of other cool colorful zoas. I dont remember the names of these except for the LA Lakers. If someone knows the names of the other two lmk! These have been growing as a mat on my sand bed so easily fraggable. What you see is about 9" wide by 3.5" area. I'll also throw in some nice mushrooms.
That said, i have a bunch of zoas for sale but prefer to trade the lot to someone that can trade for just a handful of other cool colorful zoas. I dont remember the names of these except for the LA Lakers. If someone knows the names of the other two lmk! These have been growing as a mat on my sand bed so easily fraggable. What you see is about 9" wide by 3.5" area. I'll also throw in some nice mushrooms.
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