Is this an urban legend or is there scientific evidence that suggests that multiple Entacmea Quadricolor species cannot coexist in the same tank? Although it can be an expensive experiment, I think they they are all the same right? Just different color morphs?
Currently, I have Haddonis and Colorados in the same tank - no issues, although they don’t touch each other. However, I don’t mix multiple BTAs…because of stupidity and fear! I do run carbon & UV. Hope one of these days, we can find the real reason how/why these things sting/kill each other?
Currently, I have Haddonis and Colorados in the same tank - no issues, although they don’t touch each other. However, I don’t mix multiple BTAs…because of stupidity and fear! I do run carbon & UV. Hope one of these days, we can find the real reason how/why these things sting/kill each other?
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