਀ ਀ ਀ SocaliReefs.com October Tank of The Month਀ ਀ ਀ ਀ ਀




Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket਀ The tank has been set up since 1-27-2007. I had a small 20 gallon reef tank਀ about 8 years ago in which I kept mostly soft corals and I used a "high-tech"਀ Fluval canister filter as a filtration system and my prized coral at that time਀ was the xenia. Boy...how times have changed. I then quit reefing for many years਀ because of my study. The addiction slowly creeped up again last year and I spent਀ a lot of time reading and catching up on the "what's new" in reefing. I mananged਀ to convince my wife to set up a reef tank in our office since it would make਀ "our" office look nicer, can use it as a tax write-off, and bring good luck in a਀ feng shui sense. She agreed and the rest is history.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket਀ (Tank Size, Canopy, Stand Maker)
਀ I bought the tank from PetCo. It came with the stand and canopy. The dimension਀ of the AGA reef-ready 90 gallon tank is 48" (L) X 18" (W) X 24" (H). It has one਀ internal overflow which I plumbed using the Herbie method for silence.




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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket਀ Two DE 14K Phoenix 250 watts on IceCap ballasts supplemented with two HO 48" 54਀ watts T5 on individual SLR reflectors. One bulb is Giesemann AquaBlue + and the਀ other is ATI Actinic Blue. Lighting schedule is 10 am-5 pm MH and 9 am-7 pm T5's
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Return਀ Eheim 1262 Pump and two Tunze Turbelle NanoStream Pump 6045.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket: The਀ system has a very simple set up. The sump only has 3 compartments in which one਀ of the compartment is used for cheato placement and another that uses a filter਀ sock to catch debris from the draining pipe. I don't use a skimmer, calcium਀ reactor, chiller, or any type of controllers. The only digital displays that I਀ have are the pH probe/monitor and a digital thermometer.

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Maintenance:਀ I have to admit that I do a lousy job of maintenance. The tank was set up at the਀ end of January '07 and I did not do any water changes until last week. What਀ prompted me to do this is that I could not get the Alkalinity high enough and I਀ was starting to see some ill effects to my acropora. I do use B-Ionic but I਀ don't think this is enough. The water change did improve the condition of the਀ corals. I don't have an auto top off so I replace evaporated water by hand with਀ RO/DI every day. During the hot summer months, I put in 2 big ice cubes that I਀ freeze using tupperware containers as a mean of cooling the tank as well as਀ replacing evaporated water. During the hot summer months, my tank's temp reaches਀ up to 84.7 degrees everyday. I have really pushed the envelop but there is one਀ thing that I think matters most (even more important than lighting, flow,਀ temperature) is good chemistry of the water and therefore water changes is so਀ important. If you plan to cut corners, try to avoid the not doing water changes.

਀  (Fish਀ anPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketd Inverts):

਀ 3 lyretails (females)
਀ 1 blue tang
਀ 1 yellow tank
਀ 1 Hoeven's wrasse

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਀ 3 fighting conches


਀ SPS:
਀ sunset monti
਀ superman monti
਀ rainbow monti
਀ Leng Sy cap
਀ Orange/red cap
਀ Purple cap
਀ Purple haze
਀ Green cap
਀ Purple bonsai
਀ Pink Lemonade
਀ Atlantis Incredible Hulk
਀ Sarmentosa
਀ Pink bird nest
਀ Tubs bird nest
਀ Austera
਀ Green Pocillopora
਀ Blue millie
਀ Green millie
਀ Sunset millie
਀ Tricolor
਀ Green bali slimer
਀ Orange digit
਀ ORA Roscoe’s Blue Acropora
਀ ORA German Acropora Green w/ blue polyps
਀ Ocean Blue Polyp Stylo
਀ Orange/red setosa

਀ .....and about 5 other acropora that I don't know the name.

਀ LPS:
਀ Super neon green candy cane
਀ Hammer head
਀ Frogspawn
਀ Green/Orange Acan
਀ Red/green Acan
਀ Dendros
਀ Meteor Shower Cyphastrea
਀ Pink with purple center goniopora
਀ Green lobo
਀ Fungia

਀ Soft:
਀ Fire and Ice zoos
਀ Spiderman zoos
਀ Red zoos
਀ Blue zoos with green skirts
਀ Neon green leather
਀ Anthelia
਀ Orange ricordia
਀ Red ricordia
਀ Green ricordia
਀ Pink ricordia
਀ Pink Yuma
਀ Rainbow Yuma
਀ Light orange Yuma
਀ Green star polyps
਀ Branching green star polyps
਀ Red mushrooms
਀ Purple mushrooms
਀ Green mushrooms

਀ Clams:

਀ 2 Crocea clams

਀ Special types of coral:

਀ Orange sponge with white polyps
਀ Blue sponge

਀ ਀ ਀ Thumbnails਀ ਀ ਀ ਀
਀ ਀ Some pictures਀ ਀

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਀ ਀ ਀ Click the image to enlarge਀ ਀

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