Tony - sell me the Gigantea and you can keep the Emperor Angel? Problem solved! :)
I already have one Emperor otherwise would totally pick him up.
GLWS man
Thanks for offering. I’m lazy to test and can’t use spreadsheets to save my life. Therefore, I rely on my Trident to do this for me while I’m sleeping and it can graph trends as well. :)
I’ve sent the OP the last company I’ve used. For reference - 4 months ago, I paid $2500 to move an empty 450g glass tank & stand 9miles away. It took 7 strong guys with moving equipment/tools to move this bad boy. Was it expensive and ridiculous? Yes — but that was the cheapest I’ve found.
I use Prazi and Copper Power. You can try the method below but some people just use one 10g QT. Currently, I’m using a 20g and a 175g since I have a lot of fish to QT. For you — a small 10g should work. Good luck!
Hikari Prazipro 16oz...
Thanks for donating! I had a refugium before for nutrient exports but went back to dosing chemicals for this same reason - having to toss it out every month. However, I love the pods though - fish were always nice and fat! lol
They prefer a big, long tank to be happy. I think that you can keep a juvenile Emperor (before the color change) on a 4x3. Well, even adult size will be ok but they won’t be happy, won’t grow as fast, and likely show aggression. Good luck!
Angels don’t typically touch LPS (hammers & torches) - stuff that move! SPS is ok as well - they do nip at them though. They massacred my zoas overnight!
Thanks — man, I just bought one this Monday - under QT right now. Also bought the following: Queen, Regal, and Koran
I’m looking for Blueface, Majestic, French, etc