Search results

  1. bakbay

    where to get cipro?

    Jimmy - I cannot confirm or deny that I have a bottle of said medicine for my pet. I can meet you at the alley tomorrow and will give you a few.
  2. bakbay

    Biota Emperor Angelfish

    Tony - sell me the Gigantea and you can keep the Emperor Angel? Problem solved! :) I already have one Emperor otherwise would totally pick him up. GLWS man
  3. bakbay

    Anyone need a formated spreadsheet to keep track of their parameters?

    Thanks for offering. I’m lazy to test and can’t use spreadsheets to save my life. Therefore, I rely on my Trident to do this for me while I’m sleeping and it can graph trends as well. :)
  4. bakbay

    LF aquarium moving company

    and not those friendly and awesome guys at H&A? ;)
  5. bakbay

    LF aquarium moving company

    …and I didn’t want to cause harm to myself & others trying to DIY this stuff. I’ve done small moves by myself before but left big stuff to pros.
  6. bakbay

    LF aquarium moving company

    I’ve sent the OP the last company I’ve used. For reference - 4 months ago, I paid $2500 to move an empty 450g glass tank & stand 9miles away. It took 7 strong guys with moving equipment/tools to move this bad boy. Was it expensive and ridiculous? Yes — but that was the cheapest I’ve found.
  7. bakbay

    LF aquarium moving company

    In the good old days - just a six pack and two large pizzas would do the trick! Guess beverages & pizzas are super expensive now, inflation hurts!!!
  8. bakbay

    LF aquarium moving company

    How big is the tank — I can refer you to one. I’ve used them for my last move of 450g glass tank.
  9. bakbay

    FS: Purple tang

    I believe it’s not the length but rather the girth and motion of the fish that determine visual & emotional satisfaction.
  10. bakbay

    Quarantine for Beginners

    I use Prazi and Copper Power. You can try the method below but some people just use one 10g QT. Currently, I’m using a 20g and a 175g since I have a lot of fish to QT. For you — a small 10g should work. Good luck! Hikari Prazipro 16oz...
  11. bakbay

    FS: Purple tang

    It’s a purple fish with a yellow tail? :)
  12. bakbay

    Established sohal tang and magnificent fox facee

    Indeed. I love the Sohal tang as well but I’m trying to collect more angels instead. GLWS
  13. bakbay

    Established sohal tang and magnificent fox facee

    It’s hard to see btw. I had one but she crashed into a Haddoni.
  14. bakbay

    Established sohal tang and magnificent fox facee

    Hard to see but is it really a magnificent FF?
  15. bakbay

    Free chaetomorpha macro algae

    Thanks for donating! I had a refugium before for nutrient exports but went back to dosing chemicals for this same reason - having to toss it out every month. However, I love the pods though - fish were always nice and fat! lol
  16. bakbay

    Rehoming Completed

    My Haddonis would love to “host” those cute little damsels for dinner! ;) Glad you’re paying forward. I love this hobby!
  17. bakbay

    WTB: Medium to Large Angels

    They prefer a big, long tank to be happy. I think that you can keep a juvenile Emperor (before the color change) on a 4x3. Well, even adult size will be ok but they won’t be happy, won’t grow as fast, and likely show aggression. Good luck!
  18. bakbay

    WTB: Medium to Large Angels

    Angels don’t typically touch LPS (hammers & torches) - stuff that move! SPS is ok as well - they do nip at them though. They massacred my zoas overnight!
  19. bakbay

    WTB: Medium to Large Angels

    Thanks — man, I just bought one this Monday - under QT right now. Also bought the following: Queen, Regal, and Koran I’m looking for Blueface, Majestic, French, etc
  20. bakbay

    Quarantined Fish Store

    Nothing exciting man: red coris, six line, sunset and melanurus. I had a Choat Leopard wrasse (my fav) but she jumped! :(