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  1. MikeGilliland

    New Club: IDGAFWTCNI, I'm president and now taking applications for members.....

    Yup when my friends come over and know nothing about coral its nice to tell them the names. Girls like names for everything....
  2. MikeGilliland

    Sun Coral question.

    Maybe I'm a lucky one but I feed mine maybe once a week if not once every two weeks. I've had mine for about a year now. My tank may have dirty enough water tho.
  3. MikeGilliland

    Air conditioner & ph drop

    The 2 weeks that I couldn't figure out why my phone was staying so low, my coral closed up and looked like crap. My fish seemed ok.
  4. MikeGilliland

    Air conditioner & ph drop

    mine wouldnt get over 7.88 with doors closed and ac running. when i opened them it shot right back up to 8.2-8.3
  5. MikeGilliland

    TRFS & IEMAS 1st annual Grow-out Competition

    sooo when can i get my trophy?lol
  6. MikeGilliland

    Air conditioner & ph drop

    i had the same issue. your tank need fresh oxygen. at night when ph drops the most i would leave a door open with a screen or window. this will help. also if you open a cabinet at night and give some fresh oxygen to your sump.