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  • So this weekend we finally got some new fish, a Hawaiian Yellow Tang, Scissortail Goby and a Filefish. PLUS 5 Bumblebee snails =)
    Well it seem our tank is doing good. The cycling process hopefully is coming to an end. No death fish and a lot of live organisms are growing. The only weird thing is our return pump.... its pumping this like dust or bubble a lot... could it be a bacteria bloom? or Salt from the evaporated water?
    Four days ago I was excited about buying our first fish, 7 Green Chromis. Yes my excitement begun to decrease as they slowly disappeared each day. Now, I've learned to cope with it. And have learn a lot from it. Chromis may be hardy fish but sure cant stand each other. I have now 3 of the 7 in only four days! My expectations of them surviving is limited. I just hope at least one survives and my next fish last longer.
    Hi everyone!

    We finally have our 90 gallon tank completed and its finally in the cycling process. We have 3 peppermint shrimps, a Emerald Crab, 7 blue leg hermit crabs and 6 Green Chromis fish. -Javi
    Hi everyone, thanks for visiting. I and my BF are currently establishing our first Reef tank, a 100 gallon one. We are super excited about it and cant wait to have it completed at least with the live sand, live rock, and some cool fish. I know it takes a while until we can start introducing some coral. But looking forward to it! Hope you guys can assist us every step of the way. -Javi
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