Seaside Tropical Fish

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  • We're getting awfully close to reaching 1000 likes on FB! Wow! When we do, we have a special gift for our loyal customers:a12: So tell your friends and family to help us get there!
    Thank you for all your support last weekend super sale.
    We'll keep on doing special sale every weekend so please join our newsletter today!
    We'll post new sale items on Friday.
    Again, we appreciate your business!!

    This Saturday, Sunday Only! (Oct. 20-21-2012)
    At Seaside Tropical Fish. 21162 Beach Blvd, Huntington Beach, Ca 714-969-0491
    Blue Spotted Jawfish $39.99(Reg.$69.99)
    Purple Tang $69.99(Reg.$129.99)
    Crocea Clam $28.99(Reb. $59.99)
    Flame Angel $28.99(Reg. $39.99)
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