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  • hi bạn tn g vậy ?, Mnh tn l mai, mnh qu ở cần thơ, hiện mnh đang sống ở ph thọ hiện tại mnh20

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    Hi this is cesar , do u have a pic of ur chiller , anything wrong with the chiller , call me mi number is 909 731-5550. , thanks

    I saw your ad for the tank trade. i have yet to start being active on hear but i have been on reefcentral for years; if you would like to look me up.

    I have an AGA 150 that is 5 by 2 by 2 with a nice wood stand and hood stained in between a dark and light cherry. It does have a few scratches hear and there but is made out of nice wood.

    (been meaning to add another coat of stain and polyurathane it.

    It has a center overflow and dual returns with glass sump and a hole drilled in the side to plumb the chiller.

    Canopy has dual fans on both sides and top for added flow and hinged top.

    Feel free to email me @ ballew1983@ hotmail or hear if interested. Could get some pics.

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