Search results

  1. F-Dawg

    Schnitzel's Shallow Leemar 250

    Get to it!
  2. F-Dawg

    Smite's Stout CDA - 205G

    I really like the color on that Hyperberry. Great work!
  3. F-Dawg

    WTB: Mystery Wrasse

    I’m looking for a Mystery Wrasse. If anyone has any leads it would be greatly appreciated.
  4. F-Dawg

    Inland Empire Reefer roll call

    Im in :)
  5. F-Dawg

    Huge Colorado Sunburst Anemone

    Amazing o_O
  6. F-Dawg

    What is your favorite fish

    M.Bipartitus ??
  7. F-Dawg

    Rose anenomes...

  8. F-Dawg

    Sps frags* Garden Grove

    How much for a frag? :)
  9. F-Dawg

    Mystery wrasse 4 sale

    Any aggression?
  10. F-Dawg


    Nice pieces!
  11. F-Dawg

    WTB: Weeping willow leather coral.

    Pisces Exotic Pets in Rancho Cucamonga has some frags.
  12. F-Dawg

    What the heck is this?

    I was thinking of getting some but I was wondering if it was worth it to pay the extra dough for the "clean" algae but this thread answered my question Thank you ;)
  13. F-Dawg

    What the heck is this?

    Did this come from their "clean" sea lettuce package?
  14. F-Dawg

    Instant Ocean Salt or Fritz Pro Salt

    Anyone got any boxes for sale?
  15. F-Dawg

    Pisces Exotic Pets

    Great selection of fish and corals. I've purchased a few fish from Charles and they're doing good so far.
  16. F-Dawg

    What is your favorite fish

    M.Ornate ??
  17. F-Dawg

    What is your favorite fish

    Orange-Back Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis)
  18. F-Dawg

    Show me your LPS corals!

    Black Widow Echinata
  19. F-Dawg

    Bean's 300 Gallon AGE Build

    I need to get a plastic Co2 check valve like yours. My stainless steel keeps giving me erratic bubble counts due to clogging.