Search results

  1. charly4089

    Breakingdown frag tank

    Hey guys breakingdown my MDL frag tank,,I have availables 2 gem tangs 2.5" & 3",,they are together with 3 purple tangs (Red Sea 2" & 2.25"),,,all together for around 9 months,,, Asking for the Gem tangs $400 each and $160 for the each purple tangs,,,free some frags with purchase,,,pm is the key
  2. charly4089

    FS: Getting out of the hobby

    Pm send,,I take the 3 clowns please,,,
  3. charly4089

    Peppermint Shrimp - South OC

    How many you need ,,I'm in Lake Forest 92630,,,
  4. charly4089

    48" Blue Plus OR3-120 LED Light Bar

    3 Orphek 48" Blue Plus,,Completely new in box,,,3 availables,,$200 each. (Save tax)
  5. charly4089


    I have,,Lake Forest 92630
  6. charly4089

    WTB chaeto

    Hey guys looking for a bunch of chaeto to my system of clownfish,,,a half bucket or full bucket 5g,,,pm me please,,tks
  7. charly4089

    WTB Megachrome Montipora

    Hey guys somebody have a Megachrome Montipora,,( with blue dots),,,,I got one some time ago from Jose Serrano, but I lost it. Does anyone have one they want to sell,,??
  8. charly4089

    Looking for clownfish pair

    I have a pair ready laying eggs,,,wild True Percula with F1 black storm from "sea & reef" aquaculture,,,
  9. charly4089

    WTB Chicago sunburst or CSB,,,

    Hey guys if somebody have ones pm me,,tks
  10. charly4089

    Pitho Crabs

    Hey guys I have someone's phito crabs if somebody interested $10 each,,,10 availables,,(Pic to reference),,pm
  11. charly4089

    WTB neptune bounce

    Hey guys somebody have neptune bounces want sell,,,lmk tks
  12. charly4089

    WTB montipora colony

    Still looking someone,,,
  13. charly4089

    WTB tangs

    I have a trio of 1 yellow tang and 2 purple tangs from biota all around 2",,,if you interested PM me,,,
  14. charly4089

    Baby Eel

    Don't know what species is,,around 5"-5.5",,,very healthy,,,eat silver slides frozen,,,pickup tomorrow sunday or Monday in Lake Forest 92630
  15. charly4089


    Somebody need tyger pods from reef nutrition $25 each,,,i bring on monday-Tuesday Lake Forest 92630,,PM
  16. charly4089

    Red Sea Dosing 4 & Lights

    Dosing 4 ,,,,(SOLD),,,,$200 each Red Sea ReefLED 50 LED Light Fixture (NEW-STILL SEALED),,,
  17. charly4089

    Red Sea Dosing 4 & Lights

    1 Dosing 4 (just open to test),,,and 2 reef 50 leds lights (lights still sealed - news),,,$650 for all 3,,,pm me if somebody interested,,,tks
  18. charly4089

    WTB chaeto

    Hey guys looking for chaeto,,if somebody have want sell ,,,lmk tks,,preferably in area of OC,,,tks