Search results

  1. F

    Raja Rampage Frag FS $20

    Which frag do you still have left?
  2. F

    Chicago Sunburst Anemone. 7”

    And they’re ok in the same tank?
  3. F

    Corals for sale

    Do you have any pic of the torch?
  4. F

    Downgrade sale.

    What do you have any salt for sale?
  5. F

    Clearing out the frag rack in the display!

    Any pic of the bio hazard and uranium?
  6. F

    LF aquarium moving company

    i was thinking about that as well but just trying to see what’s the most efficient ways to move
  7. F

    LF aquarium moving company

    I just need help moving the tank from Sherman oaks to Buena Park/Anaheim. I can move livestocks myself
  8. F

    LF aquarium moving company

    Please. That’ll be great. Thanks
  9. F

    LF aquarium moving company

    I currently have Waterbox 100.3 about 73 gal. I’m looking to purchase used 100 gal tank with about 75 gal sump from moving from the seller’s house to my house and take down my 73 gal tank.
  10. F

    LF aquarium moving company

    Hi anyone know an aquarium moving company?
  11. F

    Xr15 for sale

    Hi would you sell the mounts?
  12. F

    WTB Chicago sunburst or CSB,,,

    You don’t have any problems them fighting together?
  13. F

    Help ID wrasse

    Yes it looks like that from google
  14. F

    Help ID wrasse

    Oh yeah definitely not diamond tail
  15. F

    Help ID wrasse

  16. F

    Help ID wrasse

    It doesn’t have the pintail but I’ll take more pic
  17. F

    Help ID wrasse

    Can anyone help me ID this wrasse? Thank you
  18. F

    Irvine, RBTA and stuff (update 10/02/24)

    How much for the grafted digitata?
  19. F

    Suggestion for carbon dosing

    Are you happy with the dosing?