Search results

  1. Jgo

    RBT anemone for sale or trade

    I have a rock with 7 rose bubble anemone for trade or sale. I am looking for acans colonies or chalices or I’d even take a donut coral
  2. Jgo

    Looking for acans

    I am looking to buy some acan preferably small colonies or lager if possible
  3. Jgo

    Bunch of toadstool frags, small and large

    Where are you located
  4. Jgo

    Zoas pack $100

    do you still have 100$ zoa packs for sale
  5. Jgo

    WTB neon green toadstool

    I am looking to buy a large neon leather toadstool.
  6. Jgo

    2x Kessil Ap700 with mounting arms

    would you just sale one ?
  7. Jgo

    Selling before a move

    the first picture posted are those available still
  8. Jgo

    Rasta Zoa and Mummy Eye Chalice Rock

    is the rock still available and when can i come pick it up
  9. Jgo

    2 reef tanks for sale- jbj 65 gallon- 75 gallon

    good morning i was wondering does the 65g have a sump tank ?
  10. Jgo

    WTB: Saltwater Fern Plant

    Wow good looking out bro thank you. I had heard some plants were illegal had no idea that little guy was one of them. Phew close call. If any agents are reading this thread I did not find any caulerpa and will stop looking. haha Thanks Man!
  11. Jgo

    Pink Tail Triggerfish for Sale

    Beuatiful fish bro. GLWS
  12. Jgo

    Thanks Aquarium in Motion for the new Naso!!!!

    Please don't be the PB I was gonna buy Friday! LOL if it is at least it's going to a good reefer! GL with the new fishie. They are beautiful bro! Jay, is my PB still there? Say it's ok....?
  13. Jgo

    WTB: Softies and Fish for Son's Birthday!

    HAHAHA! I'm sure Brooke will frag you one when they grow out. Free of course.
  14. Jgo

    Almost lost my clowns after dosing red slime control

    ++1 I always add a pump with oxygen going into the tank just in case.
  15. Jgo

    Getting Out For Now

    Oh so even though you already told me yes this morning, someone offered you more money after you reposted. HAHA. Whatever man. I'm sure something better will come along. GLWS!
  16. Jgo

    Getting Out For Now

    ???? Am I out? Even if I come with cash tonight? Sorry I'm confused bro :)
  17. Jgo

    Hey I totally just saw your post. We should get together and do a frag swap!!

    Hey I totally just saw your post. We should get together and do a frag swap!!
  18. Jgo

    Getting Out For Now

    Thanks man. I will be there saturday to pick up!
  19. Jgo


    I can meet you off the 215 or 91 friday evening. pm me your number