Search results

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    string of pearls macroalgae fs

    Hi all, have about five 6in cuttings for sale. $10 each. Lmk if you want some!
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    string of pearls macroalgae fs

    Sold out for now, will update in a couple months once regrown. Thanks all!
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    string of pearls macroalgae fs

    Hmm you might be right! It was sold to me as a different growth form of Botryocladia but I never double checked. Thanks for the correction :)
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    string of pearls macroalgae fs

    Hi, I'm trimming some string of pearls macroalgae (Coelarthrum sp.) in the next couple of days. It's very fast growing but non invasive and a great nutrient exporter ? Let me know if you're interested in some cuttings! $10 for a 6in cutting Located in Orange
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    Fs: Red Sea MAx 34 reef setup, used/new equipments, lots of corals for sale and fishes

    Picked up some coral and fragging tools the other day. Great guy to talk to and he's still got a bunch of equipment and coral left. Off the top of my head, he's got unused tanks, a kH director, different types of lights, powerheads, and surgical tools that can be used for fragging. Lots of good...
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    Summer sale

    Sorry I wasn't home and missed the chance to meet you but thanks again for the zoas! Clean frags and coral, great prices too. Even left a bag of ice in the cooler to keep them from overheating :)
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    Frozen fish food? Do you drain?

    I thaw some reef frenzy in a cup of tank water. Fish get the larger chunks, the residual liquids I'll pipette at my zoas :)
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    Corals to Move Part 2

    Hey do you still have those frags for me? I can meet you in irvine this sunday!
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    PIC HEAVY - ID: Ive never seen this in 10 years of reef keeping . . .

    Some kind of tunicate or salp maybe? Not as useful now that it's gone but would still be cool to know!
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    Saying hi!

    Hello everyone, my names Anthony. Ive been a member for awhile but havent posted too much. Recently, however I set up a 6 gallon shallow tank so Ive been checking out all the deals on the livestock page ? figured I should say hi and formally introduce myself! My build thread is over on...
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    More SPS.

    Thanks Tim, frag looks great!
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    7 Different Kinds of Macro Algae For Sale

    Sounds good, pmed ya!
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    7 Different Kinds of Macro Algae For Sale

    Great! How much per bag?
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    7 Different Kinds of Macro Algae For Sale

    Any chance youd be willing to just sell clippings of the rhodopeltis? :)
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    Haha I actually didn't but only because I already had a frag of some. Just wanted to let you guys know how stunning they are :)
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    Happy Thanksgiving, man It was great meeting you last night and all the zoas are doing well this morning. How's the yuma doing? :) BTW guys, those mandarin oranges are some of the brightest I've seen at a really good price. Don't miss out on em!
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    tube anemone, sakura sunrise colony, 2 rainbow bta, blue/ grey carpet anemone....

    Any pics of the rock flowers? :) Gorgeous pic of that tube nem btw!
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    Tank breakdown

    Frogspawn/blue hornets still available?