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    I got a dragon soul
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    Wtb live phytoplankton
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    Started my first phyto culture. NEW videos

    I run about 2 to 3 bubbles
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    Started my first phyto culture. NEW videos

    Every 3 weeks I'll switch out 90% 2 1/2g I should do a phosphate test huh?
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    Calcium reactor pH problem

    The dead skeletons would be mush at 6.4 don't you run kalk as well
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    Started my first phyto culture. NEW videos

    Only the ones you can see.
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    Started my first phyto culture. NEW videos

    Nothing special just 35ppt salt and feed them my special phyto that's. 34.5ppt.
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    Calcium reactor pH problem

    Tank might be low? What type of media mark? 6.4 seems way to low unless your running lime stone or whatever. What is the pH of the actual tank?
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    Started my first phyto culture. NEW videos

    Yeah I had the same issue I shut 1 of the phytos down. I have found I can keep them out on the counter for 3 weeks no issues
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    Wtb live phytoplankton

    I got a bunch. It's cheap and easy to culture.
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    FS: Marshall Island Live Rock

    80lbs of dry rock nice hahaha
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    Started my first phyto culture. NEW videos

    No its pretty easy. Youtube how to culture phytoplankton
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    Started my first phyto culture. NEW videos

    Wow that sucks Air pump just died on Phytoplankton culture.
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    New setup: AA 54x24x20 + 50x16x16 sump

    Once that rocks is clean soak in tank no lights for 1 month. Feed and add lots of bacteria to cure so you won't get dinos.
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    Found this in tank

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    It's in lps discussion not for sale section.
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    Free Vizio 55” TV

    Drop it back on the door step where you bought it since they charge a recycling fee when you buy them. Useless fee I swear.
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    New SPS Frags

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    Extreme Onyx Picasso Clowns

    Need to have prices on them.