Search results

  1. ndrwater

    Cool link to ID Baddies

    So.... After discovering a Eunicid aka Bobbit worm in my tank the other day, I have been doing a lot of research, and subsequently a lot of looking VERY closely at my tank and corals... I have since discovered a whole slew of Monti eating Nudis. Been dealing with those little A-holes and their...
  2. ndrwater

    eunicid worm

    So....I have a very real suspicion that I have a Eunicid worm in my tank... Not a big one mind you, but... I noticed the little bastard the other day after a zapped an Aptasia off one of my Zoa colonies. He seemed to be coming out to eat the dead tissue from the recently departed Aptasia. I...
  3. ndrwater

    Crab ID

    So. Just saw this little guy climbing around one of my SPS. Not sure if he is a baddie or just a live rock hitch hiker. I'm not sure if he's picking at the polyps, or just happens to be enjoying the view. He's about 3/8" across, red, a bit fuzzy and generally odd. I know I had better polyp...