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  1. Logan killer

    My Last 2 Jingball Tickets

    So I only got 2 tickets left for Jingle Ball at staple center at Sec 111, Row 11. No Mark up, just want to get money back if any of you interested. I paid $684 for total, so selling for $640.
  2. Logan killer

    Thanks Sexy Coral

    I stop by Sexy coral to pick up something. Awesome store, hook me up really good. BTW the Holy crap coral isn't PS.
  3. Logan killer

    So, What you guys think of this Acan?

    Saw this from another site. Some on you know who its from, compare to other Rainbow Acan, what you guys think? Also, on the sale page, its sold out. I believe he got 2 more frag for his tomorrow Live sale.
  4. Logan killer

    Starts Nuking

    So, I took all my rock from DT, and put in a container with around 12 gallon of water, and all the rocks in there. I dump 1 Medium size bottle of bleach in there, some H2o2 lol. So, as far as rock process goes correct me if I'm wrong: Bath in Bleach for 3 - 4 Days (Should I change water after...
  5. Logan killer

    Where to buy cree Led?

    So I wanted to see if I can build simple led for fun. I know groupbuyled have cree, but just few pieces. Anyone know where I can buy them in different colors? I need UV, Violet, Green, Yellow, red etc. Thanks.
  6. Logan killer

    Cornbred's Acan?

    Isn't this just regluar rainbow acan???
  7. Logan killer

    So which Frag tank??

    So I'm interested in either AA frag tank with drilled which I can use a 10G for sump or a JBJ from MD. Their both around the same price with maybe $30 dollar difference. Which one should I get?
  8. Logan killer

    Should it be ship with heat pack??

    I order from GB from ebay, for the paly. When I open it this morning just after receiving it. I notice there is no heat pack with it. The Water is COLD. The paly is close up, so I'm gonne go back home and acclimate in about half hour. But with weather outside around 53 degree where he is at, and...
  9. Logan killer

    How to restart or reset a tank???

    So Dino is really killing me even with h2o2 and 4 day black outs. So I'm going to shut down my tank after I come back from vacation this week. My question is how do I with the rocks? Do I let them bath in sun for few days bath & rinse in RO, or use bleach? So washing out My sand also killing...
  10. Logan killer

    Anyone got GB Emprer?

    Has anyone bought or seen it in person the Emperor Paly?
  11. Logan killer

    Will it live till I get home?

    So I went and got 2 frag from AC. It's in the pee container.........My question is will it live till I get off work in 5 hours, or should I sneak back home during lunch?? One is SPS, another is zoa. No flow, Room temp.
  12. Logan killer

    WTB Fauna Marin Ultra Algae X

    Anyone in LA County have one for sale??
  13. Logan killer

    WTB Rainbow Acan

    I want a frag of rainbow Acan. PM me the price and pic if you have one. Don't want to drive out too far, so let me know location also. Thanks.
  14. Logan killer

    This Coral gone??

    Just wonder if I can save it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  15. Logan killer

    I got Dino, any treatment?

    So, I just ID my new stupid Bactria from another forum. Its dinoflagellates, and I have no ideal what I should be doing. The only thing I read is raising up pH should help. So dosing baking powder in my tank? any other way?
  16. Logan killer

    Post your Christmas SPS Wish List

    I have no clue how, but I'm always associated with # 13 some how. Either for work time in card is place on # 13, or lottery ticket, or my property. So, I look through a list of SPS I want, and some how I only found 13 I want. So here is my Christmas shopping list: 1. Red Dragon Acro 2. UC...
  17. Logan killer

    Bored, so daily pic of my JoL growth

    Yep, bored..............So, I'm gonne post a pic of the JoL I got from Rap and its growth. First Pic comes up when I get home. :sarcastic:
  18. Logan killer

    My new critter

    Found this when looking for a bristle worm today, should I throw in sump or DT? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  19. Logan killer

    Unique Coral?

    Anyone order from them before? I called few times, no one ever answer.
  20. Logan killer

    Reef Raft Open?

    Reef raft closed on Sat? Been there2 Sat noon around 12:30. Closed on both days. What's their store hours? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2