Search results

  1. M

    21 Day old Snowflake clown

    1 of the fry from Jami's first clutch of snowflake clowns :) Born on the 1st of April.
  2. M

    HUGE Shipment of Livestock and SALES!

    Could you post a pic of the black percula clownfish?
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    DaVinci Clownfish from MAX Expo

    Thank you for the input! I'm a little annoyed ... I really wanted a true Da Vinci but regardless he's a pretty fish. For breeding purposes do you think its worth it to try and get a pure davinci occellaris? Even if mine is pure occellaris but it just looks a little perc, I'm not sure if it would...
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    Live rotifers ??? snowflake clown eggs

    Here's my little guy at 18 days :) I'm doing something wrong as they should be past this point but hopefully I'll do better with the next clutch!
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    Live rotifers ??? snowflake clown eggs

    I have a couple from a clutch I got from Jami just over 2 weeks ago. But I just started really so I'm still a noob. I got my first batch of rotifers from Ocean Marine Sales in covina. You could also over night from Reeds. Ocean Marine Sales sells them for a cup @ $5. I bought 2 cups and that was...
  6. M

    New Shipment of Fish!

    Can you post pics of your wild caught percula?
  7. M

    WTB TDO Chroma Boost

    Does anyone know where locally you can purchase or order TDO from? Looked online and don't wanna pay $45 for shipping I don't have to.
  8. M

    Fs Picasso clownfish

    snowflakes are ocellaris, piacasso's are percs. The eyes look perc to me.
  9. M

    DaVinci Clownfish from MAX Expo

    I'm speaking of the orange around the eyes - usually ocellaris doesn't have that. Simply asking if anyone else thinks DaVinci has some percula in it. I'm not trying to be spiteful. Sorry if it came across that way.
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    DaVinci Clownfish from MAX Expo

    Been wanting a frostbite but came across this DaVinci! For anyone that knows clownfish well, doesn't he kind of look more perc than ocellaris? I bought him from Deep Blue Aquatics. And they ordered directly from Sea and Reef. Their websites say that the DaVinci is 100% ocellaris but who knows?
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    Looking for some Rotifers. Does anyone have any for sale? Checked with Ocean Marine Sales and they have some rotifers. But checking here first if any reefers have any to sell.
  12. M

    Powerball Group Buy @ Ellis Aquatics

    I was the last one to contribute then? Saving the best for last, :P Good luck everyone!
  13. M

    Raising Erectus Seahorse fry

    Hehe, thanks for watching them this weekend TJ! :)
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    Raising Erectus Seahorse fry

    I received the babies from Ann Marie on Fathers Day. Its day 11 and I have 43 left. I probably lost about 13-15 so the total estimated number of this batch is around 55-60. I've raised erectus years and years ago with some limited success and recently tried a few batches of reidi. But due to...
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    Aphrodite Clowns

    Lol I did get him. It was a tongue in cheek, as he was the only one showing these markings. He's just a snowflake. Totally cool markings tho! I'm calling him Cupid!
  16. M

    Aphrodite Clowns

    Okay okay, perhaps it doesn't breed true yet- but found this super awesome swiss cheese, bullet hole, spiderweb clownfish. What do you guys think? (Why aphrodite you ask? Look at the heart shaped marking :P)
  17. M

    IO and RC salt on sale at Petsmart!

    I'm so tempted! I just never really liked this brand :/ Never really mixed well for me
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    Anyone seen Poseidon's Feast (copepods) around? Need to fatten up a mandy

    True. A dry enrichment like algamac 3050 would def help with that tho. Brine alone is no good.
  19. M

    Anyone seen Poseidon's Feast (copepods) around? Need to fatten up a mandy

    I actually raise copepods for baby seahorses, they are the free swimming kind, not the typical kind that crawl are on glass and rocks. They are, Parvocalnus and Euterpina acutifrons. If mandarins eat them they are really nutritious, as I'm able to raise reidi seahorses. You could also try baby...
  20. M

    Current 34 Gallon Solana Cube

    Originally bought this cube off CL. But ended up deciding on a Fluval M60 instead. This tank has a chip in the bottom, front, left corner. It affects only the front panel. The glass is still there. The guy I bought it from said it has held water that way for the past 4 years. I water tested...