Search results

  1. swavings

    Scotts 150g Reef Tank - 35 Pics

    Finally got around to downloading the pics. I hope you enjoy. I am located in the 805 area code so i have not had the chance to go to any of those great looking lfs in orange county. I cant wait to check them out some time. All of these pics taken with Canon EOS 20D. I have to give lots of...
  2. swavings

    Scotts 150g Iphone 4 pics

    I have an DSLR Canon. Just waiting for money to get one of those Macro Lenses. I will post some pics with the canon tonight.
  3. swavings

    Scotts 150g Iphone 4 pics

    So, as I was trying to find a shot for the photo of the month, here are all the pics that I took. All of these pics are just from a Iphone4. I have included one of these photos in the contest. Thanks for looking. Hippo Tang hiding behind some midas golds: Lawnmower Blenny: Sunset...
  4. swavings

    What type of lighting for best coral growth!

    How many gallons is your tank?
  5. swavings

    definition of an onyx clown

    haha. are you saying they are not even onyx?
  6. swavings

    definition of an onyx clown

    Crap, I thought Onyx ment that they had to be fully black. My pair is completely black, three white stripes and you can barely see orange on the tip of the mouth, but you have to be really looking.
  7. swavings

    April 2011 Aquasd Giveaway!!!!

    Great stuff. I am in.
  8. swavings

    Two types of Monti caps next to each other

    I have a red and green cap next to each other, they do seem to avoid each other and am getting some nice swirls. I will post pic when I get home.
  9. swavings

    is there a mushroom eatin fish?

    Anytime I wanted to get rid of mushrooms, I just put one of my torch corals next to it. I had a rock covered in some ugly mushrooms. Put my torch next to it, and the rock is now empty!!!
  10. swavings

    Achilles Tang- Should I or shouldnt I

    I have a 150 reef tank with a six line wrasse, mystery wrasse, niger trigger, yellow tang, hippo tang, and tomini tang, 4 blue chromis, lawnmower blenny, diamond goby, mandarin goby, 2 pajama cardinals, and two onyx clowns. Does anyone see any issues with my current fish and adding the Achilles?
  11. swavings

    Achilles Tang- Should I or shouldnt I

    Hello All, I was at my lfs and have fallen in love with the Achilles tang that is there. When I looked at this fish last week, it had a medium case of ich. I have been there everyday since and he is now doing great, and is eating. I have heard many stories about these fish in captivity and...
  12. swavings

    Free Pods!

    Jeff, I am also located in Westlake, I would love to come by and pick up some pods. Please let me know a time that works.
  13. swavings

    Is That A New Coral ?!?!

    HAHAHA, I just got busted yesterday. I always just tell her it as $20 to $25 regardless of the price. BUT.... I always try to tell her that I just moved some stuff around. It works 50% of the time.
  14. swavings

    Blue Jaw Trigger Fish - Eating Question

    Love the feedback. Thanks everyone. I will try it all and let you know what works.
  15. swavings

    Blue Jaw Trigger Fish - Eating Question

    So just get baby (small)scallops from the market, just as if you would buy them for ourselves? Then just thaw them out / chop them up, and thats it?
  16. swavings

    Blue Jaw Trigger Fish - Eating Question

    Hello. I picked up a Male Blue Jaw Trigger on Friday. Over the weekend he has acclimated well, swimming all over the place. I noticed that when I feed him, Spirulina Brine Shrimp, he attempts to eat it, but then spits them out. I picked up some regular brine shrimp and he is doing the same...
  17. swavings

    Nico, Man that Sucks. I am going to come over this weekend. I just got my Tax return, hehehe...

    Nico, Man that Sucks. I am going to come over this weekend. I just got my Tax return, hehehe. What is your number? I am pretty sure you are the one that came over to my house to pick up a pump or something... Scott
  18. swavings

    4 Montipora Frag pack give away!

    Fantastic Frags is Fantastic. Nice Pic Paul! I am in.
  19. swavings

    180g Breakdown - San Gabriel

    Where in SG? I will be going to Pasadena on XMAS evening with my Wifes family. I would love to leave the madness for a bit to come over and see what I can spend my money on. Let me know.
  20. swavings

    My Rose Anemone Split for the first time!

    HAHAHA, I swear I said the same thing two weeks ago. It did it over night. Crazy. My mother nem got about 15 inches before it ever split.