1. Go to SoCaliReefs Gallery
2.Click on "Upload"
3. Browse for your file in your computer
Choose the appropriate category for the photo
Fill in a title and description of the photo
4. Under each photo you uploaded, there's a special embed code
Highlight and copy that whole embed code including both
(either use the right-click mouse menu as shown, or use the keyboard shortcut...Windows: Ctrl-C, Mac: Command-C)
5. Now paste that code directly into your forum post (use the right-click mouse menu or the keyboard shortcut...Windows: Ctrl-V, Mac: Command-V).
6. The final result will appear when you submit the post:

2.Click on "Upload"

3. Browse for your file in your computer
Choose the appropriate category for the photo
Fill in a title and description of the photo

4. Under each photo you uploaded, there's a special embed code
Highlight and copy that whole embed code including both

5. Now paste that code directly into your forum post (use the right-click mouse menu or the keyboard shortcut...Windows: Ctrl-V, Mac: Command-V).

6. The final result will appear when you submit the post: