I want to start and RO/DI group buy.



$179. $179. $179.

I'm in the market to upgrade my RO/DI system soon and could sure use a NICE Discount plus some points at bulk reef supply.

GROUP BUY IS FOR the "Plus" system, it will be between $179 - $169. Once you complete you order you will be put on a Prefered Membership forever at Bulk Reef Supply, you'll be able to get discounts all year long, just for being a part of this group buy. All orders will be shipped to your own doorstep, so there is no need to drive far to pick things up. Plus can you order from the comfort of your own home once I open the group buy to the members who decide to join. The discount price will only work if I submit your info on my list. I NEED FIRST NAMES and EMAIL ADDRESSES from all group buy members.

Email the info to me at:

75 GPD RO/DI 5 STAGE *PLUS* System. (Maybe for the 100 GPD)
If you have a Bulk Reef Supply Account please email me your first name /Last name and Login name so I can add you to the Group Buy List. Thank you. We need 10 members to join to make this buy happen.

•DETANE (for sure)
•BKOO29 (maybe)
•jetenpreeti (for sure)

75 GPD RO/DI 5 Stage *PLUS* System
Quick Overview:
Using RO/DI water is essential to maintaining a healthy aquarium. City and well water are inherently full of contaminants that have an undesirable effect on the aquarium. An RO/DI system will provide the pure water necessary for the long term success of your tank.
Benefits of using RO/DI water include:
Contaminant free water
A healthier reef
Algae outbreak defense
Faster easier water changes
Zero trips to the store for water
See below for 5 Stage Plus features


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