Made the journey to the northern la area yesterday and met up with John
@drexel for a coral swap and figured I’d make a trip of it to see golden state corals and unique corals. Elliot at GSC was a super cool dude and Emilio I think at unique was super cool to talk to. Fun to just hang with them and John just talking reef. The unique show room isn’t quite ready and idk if they really want a bunch of public traffic but I called beforehand and they were cool and gave a whole tour, maybe not a consistent thing tho
john hooked it up with a monster confetti piece
UC Cookie Monster real nice purple blueish stag
GSC beerus pretty weirdo light purple table, possibly the most intriguing thing was how the colony grew as this weird thin table then branch up then table again lol
GSC super saiyan cool little smoothie that was totally giving vibes of pengs blue monster. Hopefully it goes better than blueberry fantasy did ?
and lastly I’m not sure on name, blue lagoon maybe? But John said it’d be awesome under whites and I’d have to agree, the branches are a really nice blue with some nice green on the inside
Gotta say between those two spots northern la area is pretty popping. I don’t venture up that way much for reefing, but I do camp along the coast a lot so I’ll have to figure out ways to stop in there ?
I have been inundated with some good stores lately. Reef lounge norco opening which is kinda far but within reason, it’s a nice addition to the ie. And even better law office aquariums opened to the public so I’ve been in there a bunch chatting with Richard who’s a really cool guy