I had the honor of meeting Jasper on many occasions and I have nothing but good things to say about this man. He was one of the most sincerest, kindest and knowledgeable reefer that I knew and I would remember just standing in his house and listening to him talk about about his reef tank He was so passionate about the hobby and never hesitated to offer help or advice. That is why I feel very honor that we get to feature his beautiful reef aquarium on this site. With that said, I present you Jasper Parris wonderful reef aquarium:
<center><a href='http://www.reefdiscussion.com/rdfeatured/Jasper2009/Jasper.html' border=0><img src="http://www.reefdiscussion.com/forums/imagehosting/149f265706d94a.jpg"width="400" height="289"/></center>
<center><a href='http://www.reefdiscussion.com/rdfeatured/Jasper2009/Jasper.html' border=0><img src="http://www.reefdiscussion.com/forums/imagehosting/149f265706d94a.jpg"width="400" height="289"/></center>