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  • cho bạn, Mnh tn l trung, mnh qu ở lo cai, hiện mnh đang sống ở thừa thin huế hiện tại mnh18 tuổi


    bao ipad

    cửa hng iphone chnh hng

    bo sac du phong
    Where are you located i can pick up tomorrow after work westminster is on my way i pass the 22 freway where you want
    Ok tomorrow i dont work is a raining day so wathever at time better for you just let me know where 714 5845633
    I post a picture at the first post please check the picture and let me know where we can make the trade half way if you want
    Hey, John...hows it going for you? Im just busting hump applying for jobs....blah. Im so not into it. Are you going to the convention in Ontario Sunday?
    Hopwe you are well....hugs.
    Hey, there! I think I may have a problem....I came home and found one of my little crabs (the cheapies that u use to clean, looks kinda like a snail) was in peices...WTF? I threw in a couple of Trubo snails last night, do they do that kind of damage? Also, I cant find my lawnmower blenny. He might be hiding, but I'm nrevous now. Have you heard of anything like this? Its also possible that I crushed the snail by mistake while moving rock....
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