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  • 2 bạn mnh với bạn lm quen nhamnh tn l hải mnh qu ở quảng ngi hiện tại mnh năm nay 28 hiện tại mnh đang ở lin mnh qu ở hảimnh muốn kết bạn với cc bạn ở quảng bnhviệt mnh qu ở h giang

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    Jesse, Nice doing buisness w/you. The Red Hornets and Scareface polyp opened up very nice. I am still waiting on the Dragon Ball Z's to open up. Can't wait. [/B]
    thanks for reply but was hoping to spend $100 at the most if thats even going to be possible. should have never got rid of the two ihad that were huge.was wanting smaller ones now i cant seem to find.
    Jesse, thanks again for letting me hang out with you today and teaching me so much!! I learned a lot today and really enjoyed it!!! Tim Sharpe
    Hi, what is the reasson ur selling? Everything ok, i have a quick question , i have moonlights , i just dont think mine are bright enough ,i want the really blue look , the kind the makes all the corals and their colors , really fluorescent And bright, glow on the dark , type, my tank is 4/2/2 u think this light will give me what i want, thanks
    Hey, saw the orange fungai. Where are you located? Please let me know text or call me, 818.6534507. My name is von
    jesse, thanks for telling me about this site... call me when you when have time,
    im off from teaching all week for easter break and would like to check out some coral with you...
    thanks tim sharpe
    Jesse need your address asap. Also the the kz is 10 more than the ati. Lmk. I don't have your number in my cell please text it to me 714 863 3001. Thanks
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