Search results

  1. Smite

    Quanta Pros

    I really like my Quantas as well. I was working on a budget so went all Quanta Pro, great bars. No dimming on the Pros and not as much PAR. They have the best spread/PAR penetration ratio out of the bars I have tried. Colors are great and I run them with kessils so I get shimmer. Very close to...
  2. Smite

    Drop your Social!!

    If you like boa constrictors, feel free to follow me on IG @mattschueneman.reptiles I need to do a reef one too.
  3. Smite

    FS: SPS pack: WWC, TGC, RMF, UC, ASD

    Looking great. GLWS
  4. Smite


    Click here to vote for the growout SPS! 1. @anthonys_aqua 2. @wishntoboutside 3. @bakbay 4. @KinumsReef 5. @MattyJatz 6. @weelo111 7. @dansyr 8. @Tommy Ngo 9. @Xaznkewlguyx 10. @five.five-six 11. @Dutch_Roots 12. @Discotu 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
  5. Smite


    Sorry guys I gotta sit this one out. Please remove me from the list, thanks. I'm looking forward to seeing how everyone does!
  6. Smite

    Best place to get copperband food

    Actually 1” everything. Cut an old ehiem jager heater holder for the suction cup. Worked great
  7. Smite

    Best place to get copperband food

    Amazing Aquariums and Reefs has LRS along with other quality frozen foods like PE mysis ect. I had built this little feeder out of a 3/4 intake strainer and 3/4" pvc end cap. I drilled a hole in the back of the end cap and was able to put a suction cup on the back. I could fit a couple cubes of...
  8. Smite


    1. anthonys_aqua 2. wishntoboutside 3. bakbay 4. kinumsreef 5. mattyjatz 6. weelo111 7. dansyr 8. Tommy Ngo (DuMa) 9. Xaznkewlguyx 10. @five.five-six 11. Smite
  9. Smite

    What is the oldest…?

    Reef octopus water blaster 5000. It was my return pump for years, then i tore the cord sleeve near the pump, so it got moved to my dedicated salt mixing 50g barrel. It's been chewing up salt water for maybe 10-12 years now, completely abused, cleaned maybe once and I've never had to do a thing...
  10. Smite

    FYI: Pasadena tropical has more gigantea carpets! in!

    Man, I just got a bubble tip to sit still. I may have to drop in and check it out. My percula have zero interest in the BTA but loved their gigantea.
  11. Smite

    WTB: Metal Halide light fixture

    I have 2 Cozumel Suns, Hamilton. Large pendants for large tanks. I have 2 icecap 250w and some 14k hamilton lamps, or 1 galaxy/1lumatek selectable watt 250-400w with hamilton lamps. Click on my name and you'll be able to find my forsale post with pictures. They would span a 5' tank no problem...
  12. Smite


    Welcome to SCR!
  13. Smite

    Chicago Sunburst Anemone. 7”

    That is awesome to know. I kept a gigantea and Colorado at the same time without issue but I do know people swear the two csb are not compatible. Very cool to see. this nem has ears. I say “ for sale” and it sits down in the foothold I made him . Pending to me, until it moves again.
  14. Smite

    Chicago Sunburst Anemone. 7”

    I bought this large Chicago Sunburst Anemone last month. I just can’t find the happy spot for it in my system and it keeps walking. great coloration, greens swirls ect. I prefer it over the Colorado for sure. Paid $700 at Amazing Aquariums and Reefs. First $500 takes it. Pickup in 92845 Thanks
  15. Smite

    Looking to buy Tie Dye jawbreaker and Frankenstein bounce

    Damn, that's looking killer Will
  16. Smite

    Looking to buy Tie Dye jawbreaker and Frankenstein bounce

    I do and I'll bring you some back. Now that I'm paying attention to it, I see faint streaks in some of them I think may turn green down the road. I'm going to take babyjesse210s advice and try to find a lower light/flow spot and see what happens.
  17. Smite

    Looking to buy Tie Dye jawbreaker and Frankenstein bounce

    That’s the only one with that much green haha. I have some that are three colors , dark orange, yellow ish, red with green flakes. My mama came from Eve a few years back, I just don’t know anything about the lineage. If I see a good looking one with green I’ll shoot you a PM
  18. Smite

    Looking to buy Tie Dye jawbreaker and Frankenstein bounce

    I need to move all my JB under this rock. I just spotted this sucker, probably getting 2 par lol
  19. Smite

    Transferring 90 to 187 gal

    I used the totes like jose suggested. a power head and heater in each and was able to take my time moving everything over. With that old of sand I'd be looking to start with all new water with parameters matched to existing water as best as possible. Have more water ready than you think you'll...