All lights work/ turn on
All lights come with arms/mounts
All lights can be sent to aqua illumination to have them replace the led clusters
Pickup pasadena or can meet up
1) ai hydra 32hd - no burnt leds - $180
2) ai hydra 32hd - some burnt leds - $130
3) ai prime 16hd - some burnt leds - $100...
Tank is clean and ready to sell. Comes with 2 drains and drain plumbing including gate valve for full siphon. Also comes with return manifold and 2 ball valves.
Pickup pasadena or can meet up in neighboring cities.
3.5x3.5 green cabbage coral
3.5x3.5 orange echinata
5 head aussie duncans
Cotton candy torch 1 head
3 Freebies:
3 gorgs (gold polyp and 2 white polyp)
I have a friend doing the qt for me as I have very limited spare time on my hands these days. Qt will end this weekend. Unfortunately I don't have pictures of them but they are all very nice specimens.
Reason for selling: I am now the primary caregiver for pops who has congestive heart failure and cancer..At this point in time I can't fully and responsible/correctly care for my fish and that's the only reason I'm shutting down tanks and finding new homes for most of my fish and corals. I'll...