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  1. joseserrano

    ID On Coral

    You’ll have to do your research on that
  2. joseserrano

    ID On Coral

    It’s Jason foxs version of Hollywood stunner chalice
  3. joseserrano

    Aqua Bright Solutions

    Assuming the one you don’t like is the purple? Idk this brand, and don’t think a burn in period would help. Probably best to try and get a refund or replacement.
  4. joseserrano

    Wtb rodi system

    I have an aquamaxx 100gpd new for $50 picked up. 92705
  5. joseserrano

    Drop your Social!!

    forgot my second one, PMcorals
  6. joseserrano


    Higher flow
  7. joseserrano

    Drop your Social!!

  8. joseserrano

    Reefscape wet rock?

    You could use glue or putty underwater, but will be difficult and putty will make your skimmer go crazy for a while. Just a note. Plan your aquascape with the idea of how they’ll hold corals for you not what the aquascape itself looks like
  9. joseserrano

    LF 72" long tank or 2x 48"

    Look into low boy tanks
  10. joseserrano

    Guess what this is?

    Baby torch
  11. joseserrano

    Ph probe preference

    Double junction is the more reliable version of ph probe, but pretty standard across. It’s mostly private labeling
  12. joseserrano

    Purple tang fs

    Good price
  13. joseserrano

    WTB: Custom Glass Aquarium / Reseal

    Prob best he get rid of it instead of diving into a bottomless expense of a reef tank
  14. joseserrano

    WTB: Custom Glass Aquarium / Reseal

    Go custom. You are going to end up spending a lot to reseal if you want any warranty
  15. joseserrano

    What can I turn this into?…

    Looks like the seaside aquatics one.
  16. joseserrano

    What can I turn this into?…

    Ca reactor or kalk reactor will require special tools to make accurate holes. Then the challenge of making sure it doesn’t leak. Using it for what it’s used for or a media reactor is the direction I’d go. The effort isn’t probably worth the modification
  17. joseserrano

    Help me ID this SPS

    Which one
  18. joseserrano

    Vinegar dosing

    Algae is more of a phosphate thing than nitrate. But if corals looks good, invest in some clean up crew or maybe some phosphate e
  19. joseserrano

    Vinegar dosing

    yes, vinegar will lower nitrates. Do it during the day, since it will drop ph for a bit.