"Forum Rules"

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Jan 14, 2008
Long Beach

Please take time to read the SCR forum rules before creating any threads, post or using the chatbox.

General Forum and Chatbox Rules and Code of Ethics:

Code of Ethics:
1. Please Be Welcoming. Welcome newcomers to our growing community. Many of our community's members have a wealth of knowledge and much to share. Please help new members learn about how to find information and resources and how to get involved in the Community.

2. Please Be Courteous. We aim to ensure that the forum is an enjoyable place that you want to visit time and time again. Our underlying philosophy is that the strength of the member relationships we build here is what sets us apart from the other boards - we are friendlier, more civil, more insightful, more mature and more fun.

3. Trolling or cyber-bullying is NOT allowed and are grounds for account restriction or banishment. Harassment, stalking or predatory behavior will result in account suspension.

4. Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully.

5. Do not post unsubstantiated gossip, libelous remarks or directly misleading information.

6. Do not post the same discussion more than once or in many forums.

7. The language of this forum is English. If you are not a native English speaker, do your best. We are glad to have you as a member and will be supportive and polite.

8. This forum is privately owned and we make the rules. If rules are violated we retain the right at our discretion to remove, edit or delete posts and if necessary ban or remove members. Any abuse toward our staff may/will result in immediate suspension of your account. Complaints about moderator decisions may not be made in posts; instead send a private message to a moderator. If a moderator deletes or edits one of your posts and you disagree with the action, contact the moderator concerned. Do not re-post deleted material.

9. We take the "be nice" rule VERY seriously! We do not tolerate ANY rudeness.

10. Do not bring personal arguments or disagreement from other forums or elsewhere to this forum or in the chatbox. Failure to comply will result in an infraction or you may be permanently banned

11. Sponsors are here to support the forum so they are protected. Any direct or indirect form of attack toward the forum’s sponsors is taken very seriously and will be dealt with immediately.

12. Please Be Appropriate! Don’t post it here if you wouldn't say it to your grandmother. Posts containing explicit, obscene or vulgar language, images or links to websites with adult content/images or punctuation marks designed to "trick" our obscenity filter will be removed. Discussion of politics and religion is permitted only in association with the topic of this forum.

13. Please Be Ethical! Many participants have commercial interests associated with the forum topic and bring valuable information and expertise to share. With a few specific exceptions (Please see, “For Sale” thread rules), participants may not use the Forum for commercial gain.

14. Also General etiquette is to not comment on pricing. It’s not cool to publicly comment on someone's asking price.

15. Please do not post the same discussion more than once or in many forums.


User Names, Profiles, Avatars and Signatures:
1. Absolutely no obscene, vulgar, profane, sexually oriented, hateful, or illegal photos, links or text are to be used.

2. Commercial signatures or avatars belonging to non-sponsors are in violation of this user agreement and will be removed and members run the risk of being banned from the forum.


Posts & Threads, Rules and Code of Ethics:

Posts & Threads:
1. You agree not to place any threads or post with obscene, vulgar, profane, sexually oriented, hateful, threatening or illegal photos or text

2. Please make sure your threads are posted in the appropriate forum. If you notice you placed your thread in the wrong forum please notify an administrator or moderator and we will move it for you.

3. The Administrator and moderators reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread or post for any reason. Case by case will be analyzed and the moderators have the right to ban the offender(s) without warning.


Non-Commercial / Non-Sponsor “Sale” Threads or Posts:
1. Members must have at least 20 post before selling on the forum.

2. Member accounts must be active 5 days before posting "sale" threads on the forum.

3. Each member may have no more then 3 “Sale” threads a month. (PLEASE, NO CONTINUOUS ITEM ADDING TO EXISTING THREADS AFTER THE THREAD HAS BEEN POSTED)

4. All used or damaged equipment "sale" threads should have pictures of the items for sale.

5. Please include a clear and decisive description of the items for sale and their condition.

6. Please state location and if shipping is available.

7. Competitive sales against sponsors current sales, post or promotions are not allowed. (i.e. telling other member you have one you will sell for cheaper. Including sending private messages ect).

8. The sale of Illegal items is not to be made or discussed.

9. Please try to Reply within 24hr to questions and concerns about your sale.

10. Please reply to questions and PMs in the order you received them.

11. Please be on time and available when you say you will be.

12. No spamming of your "sale" thread(s) in the forum or chatbox. Feel free tell other members about your sale(s) if there is a need but please do not spam.

13. Failure to comply with the “Sale” thread rules will result in a member account restriction; you will not be allowed to continue to sell on the forum.


Sponsor And Member, Buyer Seller Feedback:
1. You may post a general review of transactions but please be professional. Absolutely no obscene, vulgar, profane, sexually oriented, hateful or threatening remarks.

2. Once you post, your thread will be locked. If the opposing party would like to comment on the transaction he or she must create their own “Buyer Seller Feedback” thread witch will also be locked after posted.

3. Please remember, sponsors are here to support the forum so they are protected. Any direct or indirect form of attack toward the forum’s sponsors is taken very seriously and will be dealt with immediately.

4. The Administrator and moderators reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread or post for any reason. Case by case will be analyzed and the moderators have the right to ban the offender(s).

"Thanks for reading!" :ciao:

-SoCaliReefs- Forum Team

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