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    Live Rock

    How long has that been running?
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    Quanta Pros

    Your tank is really beautiful, I love the lighting. I am not a huge fan of heavy blue lighting so seeing tanks that aren't so heavy on it is great.
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    Quanta Pros

    I have been looking more into the lights and found a channel that says I can run them on a dimmer. Who here runs either the Kasa or the Treatlife dimmer on their quanta pros?
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    Quanta Pros

    You can control the percentages of the light? I was not aware of that.
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    Quanta Pros

    The last time I went they were selling a 100 gallon cylinder tank, I would of gotten it... if I had the money. :LOL:
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    Quanta Pros

    There is a large cylinder tank at Harry's Marine Life in Gardena. I like curved tanks because of the perspective if I got one again I would get a wide shallow cylinder tank.
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    Quanta Pros

    I recently had set up my quanta pros on my 50 gallon tank and I want to say I love the lights. It was a vast improvement over the nicrew I was using 6 months prior. The pictures don't do the lights justice.
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    Clean up Crew for Sand Bed

    My link goby does two functions eats algae and sifts the sand.
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    Reefscape wet rock?

    I did a rescape on my tank, I was wondering on any improvements on it or how to glue wet rock together? I thought about using this pink coral putty(maxspect coral putty) got because it won't foul the water. I want to do more overhangs in my tank.
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    Ghost(Threadfin) Cardinalfish

    If I kept all 7 I would probably have to add half them at first so it doesn't cause a spike.
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    Clean up Crew for Sand Bed

    I am assuming if I got dwarf zebra hermits I would need to get rid of my red legged(I think it's either a red leg or a scarlet)?
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    Clean up Crew for Sand Bed

    I have a single hermit crab at the moment but, from what I understand they are cannibals if you do not offer like enough shells and food correct?
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    Light Mounting Stands

    So I ended up buying the reef lights mounts on Luca's website. I would just need to put cable tie mounts to the top of the tank to keep it from being pushed over or moved.
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    FS: Emerald Crab, Conch | 90007

    Hi what type of conch is it?
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    Live Rock

    Does anyone have live rock that is near Chino Hills they are selling? I am just planning to use this for an observation tank.
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    Ghost(Threadfin) Cardinalfish

    I will mention that I probably am goimg to have to sell some of them because I do not think my main tank could handle 7 of them(its 50 gallons.) I was trying to take into account mortality rate but, all of them survived and are eating.
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    Ghost(Threadfin) Cardinalfish

    They get some unique stuff that is what I will say and the owner has been helpful in my experience.
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    Ghost(Threadfin) Cardinalfish

    So I ordered them at my lfs all of them made it. How much should I feed them daily?
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    Tomini tang

    Does anyone have a tomini tang they are selling or rehoming preferably near Chino Hills? Thank you.