Thanks to the help & generosity of this site I'm still in the hobby. If it weren't for the good will and generosity of fellow reefers my family wouldn't have the reef we have today. So in thanks to this community I want to offer up my services for getting your apex setup and programmed to manage your reef, at home and away. In order for me to be able to help you out I need to set some expectations.
- I will do my best but I can't guarantee anything...there is the chance I can't get it done and you'll need to contact Neptune Systems
- We will try to get you up & running via remote access first, only after trying this will I consider driving to your place
- You must have tried to get this done yourself prior to getting help; in the long run you'll need to manage this yourself so best to be familiar with what's going on; I can tell if you've just skipped the reading with the questions I will have for you.
- If I need to come over, it will not be free. I haven't really charged before but the fact is that the gas money I spend affects more than just me...not to mention the time away from my wife and kids.
So how will this work?
Getting in Line- Send me a PM with the following information: Your name (not SN), your general availability (e.g. "Weekdays in the evening"), your Internet Service Provider, the make/model of your router, your Apex firmware. I will put you on a list published in this thread
Scheduling- I will try to get to at least two people per week. If you're next in line I'll contact you to setup a time. If you're not able to I will move to the next person in line but you will hold your place (you won't go to the end of the line).
Remote Session- We will attempt to get it done via remote (i.e. me sitting in my house on my PC remoting into your home PC). There will be a 2 hour limit to this session although we can go longer if I'm up for it. We can setup more sessions if necessary. All of this will be no charge...welcome to kick me a frag but not necessary
On-site Assistance- If we cannot get it done via remote access I'll setup a time for me to come over and get it done on site. There will be a flat rate of $25 for my time. If you have SPS I may accept frags instead of cash but it's up to me. There will also be a $5 per 20 miles away from zip code 90806. So if you live within 20 miles it's $5. If you live 21 miles it's $10, and so on. These rates will apply per visit so if I need to come out more than once the "fees" will apply to each visit. Generally I get it done in one visit but you never know. I'll limit my onsite session to 3 hours max unless I can stay longer. For those that think $5 is too much for $20 remember that I'll go home so I'm actually traveling 40 miles round trip. This seems fair to me and hopefully to you too. If not, you'll need to find other options.
Oh, you're an SCR Supporter? Good news, your flat rate is $15. Gas rates still apply. You must be a paid Supporter at the time of assistance, not the time you sign up.
I'm a nice guy and might wave fees based on my whims but please don't expect it. I've had a great time and have met some great folks setting up apexes but it does take time away from my own family & tank and the gas expense is no joke when we're all so spread out. I just want to offer this service but do so in a way that's fair to me and my family as well. I hope this is helpful to some.
- I will do my best but I can't guarantee anything...there is the chance I can't get it done and you'll need to contact Neptune Systems
- We will try to get you up & running via remote access first, only after trying this will I consider driving to your place
- You must have tried to get this done yourself prior to getting help; in the long run you'll need to manage this yourself so best to be familiar with what's going on; I can tell if you've just skipped the reading with the questions I will have for you.
- If I need to come over, it will not be free. I haven't really charged before but the fact is that the gas money I spend affects more than just me...not to mention the time away from my wife and kids.
So how will this work?
Getting in Line- Send me a PM with the following information: Your name (not SN), your general availability (e.g. "Weekdays in the evening"), your Internet Service Provider, the make/model of your router, your Apex firmware. I will put you on a list published in this thread
Scheduling- I will try to get to at least two people per week. If you're next in line I'll contact you to setup a time. If you're not able to I will move to the next person in line but you will hold your place (you won't go to the end of the line).
Remote Session- We will attempt to get it done via remote (i.e. me sitting in my house on my PC remoting into your home PC). There will be a 2 hour limit to this session although we can go longer if I'm up for it. We can setup more sessions if necessary. All of this will be no charge...welcome to kick me a frag but not necessary
On-site Assistance- If we cannot get it done via remote access I'll setup a time for me to come over and get it done on site. There will be a flat rate of $25 for my time. If you have SPS I may accept frags instead of cash but it's up to me. There will also be a $5 per 20 miles away from zip code 90806. So if you live within 20 miles it's $5. If you live 21 miles it's $10, and so on. These rates will apply per visit so if I need to come out more than once the "fees" will apply to each visit. Generally I get it done in one visit but you never know. I'll limit my onsite session to 3 hours max unless I can stay longer. For those that think $5 is too much for $20 remember that I'll go home so I'm actually traveling 40 miles round trip. This seems fair to me and hopefully to you too. If not, you'll need to find other options.
Oh, you're an SCR Supporter? Good news, your flat rate is $15. Gas rates still apply. You must be a paid Supporter at the time of assistance, not the time you sign up.
I'm a nice guy and might wave fees based on my whims but please don't expect it. I've had a great time and have met some great folks setting up apexes but it does take time away from my own family & tank and the gas expense is no joke when we're all so spread out. I just want to offer this service but do so in a way that's fair to me and my family as well. I hope this is helpful to some.
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