Been a while since I updated this. I’ve been battling with what I think/thought are dinos. But as of the last few weeks I’m starting to get lots of hair algae and some other type growing on the opposite side of the tank.
My nutrients have bottomed out, I often text 0,0. Today results were, 0 Nitrate on Salifert test kit and 4 PPB phosphorus which translate to .012 ppm phosphate, Hanna ULR checker. So I have some sort of imbalance going on.
I feed via auto feeder 3 times a day, not a ton I measure it roughly 10-15 pellets each time.
Mysis 1/4-1/2 cube once per day / every other day
A mix of 3/4 ml Oyster feast, 10 ML ab+, 20 drops of phyto feast once per night if I remember.
I also have used 2 caps of MB7 weekly since starting the tank.
So I have been thinking about taking my refugium offline or putting my skimmer on a timer only running it 12 hrs per day.
Any suggestions?
Besides that the corals and fish are all doing relatively well. What I have been most stoked on lately is the SPS, what little I have. I almost completely killed the red Digi and that sunset monti. The monti has completely recovered and is growing fast the red digi and another digi has been growing well.
I do want to make some changes, I’m pretty dead set on going BB. Thinking just siphon a bit of sand out at a time, is that the best strategy?
And I want to make some fish changes I think I will be selling everything I have now. And going with 8-10 Threadfin Cardinals and a male anthias of some sort to keep them in line
