Dang over a year since an update, that's pretty sad and lame LMAO. Pretty much a steady decline on the tank the last 4 months which lead me to downsize last week. Been so busy with work, the holidays, lift in general, just had not been keeping up on even the most basic maintenance stuff IE sock changes, emptying skimmer, cleaning glass.
Between being busy and a rough stint with losing multiple fish safe to say the wind had been taken out of my sail. Girlfriend and I wanted to change some furniture around and that meant tank needed to go or be moved so I opted to just set-up a smaller AIO for what coral I had left.
Going back to the hands off approach on this keep it basic with mushrooms, a couple torches, and maybe a couple other pieces that catch my eye. A lot of these shrooms were either in the sump frag section or just behind stuff so it has been like having brand new corals to some extent.
Nuvo 15
Sicce 1.0 return
Inkbird + BRS heater from old system
1 x Kessil A360x
1 x Nero 3
Desktop skimmer
Look forward to just keeping mostly hands off and letting this one develop.
Unfortunately my CHSB managed to get the chop even with the nem guard on the Nero 5. This is what is left hopefully I can nurture it back to health.