Tell us your QT protocol.
SPS quarantine protocol
-My quarantine system consists of 2 custom 60 gallon visio tanks with a shared sump, the parameters match closely to my main growout systems (7.5-8DKH, 0.04-0.1ppm po4, 5-10ppm no3)
-Once a frag is acquired, I do not dip unless I 100% see bugs on the coral. I only temp acclimate by floating for 15 minutes and add the frag to my quarantine system.
-I will obtain as many frags I can before starting treatment as I cannot add any new coral until the current batch is complete and transferred.
-Once added, I will monitor the health of the coral and use magnification during lights out to see if there are any pests or evidence of pests.
-If I see AEFW, I will dip all SPS on a tray in potassium chloride once a week for 8 weeks, 1 tablespoon per gallon for 10 minutes.
-All sps will undergo an 8-10x interceptor(milbemycin oxime, 1 lg tablet treats 400g=1x standard dose) treatment 3x (7 days apart) I heat up a cup of RO water, this seems to dissolve the tablets completely. Turn skimmer/UV/carbon reactor off for 24 hours after treating. 20% water change, new carbon, skimmer/UV back online the next day.
-Once this is complete, the frag plug is removed and remounted on a clean disc or plug that has been cured in my growout sump. The clean frag is then rinsed and inspected before adding to growout.