Hey everyone! I figured I would start a small journal for a new nano build that I’m doing. This is going to be an LPS/clam & mangrove lagoon. The IM 25 ext will be full of LPS (mostly goniapora and euphyllia (mostly frogspawn/octospawn) and a few misc corals. While the 10g will have crocea clams, a mangrove and some sea grass in a DSB. This will be lit by Kessil’s (360x’s & 500x) only. I’ll just have a rock or two in the 10g for the clams to attach to and no fish. The 25g will have minimal rock and a small fish load, 1st gen onyx percs, neon or sharknose goby, fridmani pseudochromis and maybe a geometric hawkfish?
I built the stand myself and wrapped it with walnut plywood. The sump is a leftover acrylic tank that I converted with a sump kit. I’ll use a Hydros system to monitor and use my Tunze 6040’s in the 25g for flow. Both tanks will share a return from a Coral Box DC pump.
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I built the stand myself and wrapped it with walnut plywood. The sump is a leftover acrylic tank that I converted with a sump kit. I’ll use a Hydros system to monitor and use my Tunze 6040’s in the 25g for flow. Both tanks will share a return from a Coral Box DC pump.

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