Yup, they'll be much happier with the extra 6" or so of water above them!
Here's what I'm thinking for the new rock (attached). Acros on the top and/or a clam. The Orphek can put out 400 PAR on top of that rock pretty easy. Just need to be careful about not cooking the sand bed corals. Will have to wait until things stabilize, but I want to go a different direction than the other SPS island. The Stylo, birdsnest and digitatas can keep fighting with each other. They are uncontrollable. I'd have to do a clean wipe of that rock and start over (maybe keep the psammy). I'll just let it do it's thing. The new rock can be a limited selection of hardy Acros. Unfortunately the monti/birdsnest/stylo trifecta nearly killed off my garf bonsai I got from you. I kept trimming away the branches that were creeping over it, but it was the Aiptasia that fianlly did it--came up the back side of that rock and killed off the bonsai and the bottom parts of the birdsnest/montis. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Another garf is definitely on the list. I loved that coral but did a poor job in placing it.