Tank is making a nice turnaround from running at 30ppt salinity for God only knows how long. Shout out everyone who have advice/recommendations on getting things back in tune. I did lose a couple of quality pieces during this process; TGC Cherry Bomb, Lady In Pink, Walt Disney, Hawkins, blue hoke, and a wild beautifully colored red milli. All have been replaced or are on the list to be replaced. Shoutout
@LesPaulPlayer73 and
@Hugo’s_reef maddd reef karma to them for their kindness.
Purchased a few new pieces and the PE is where one would expect it to be when a tank has stable parameters. My AquaSD milli is almost back to normal and my green slimer has recovered well.
Ive adjusted my skimmer to skim more dryly as I think the wet skim may have contributed to my low salinity issues.
With the salinity fixed I can now turn my attention to growing and coloring up these corals. I’ve placed an order for some reef moonshiner’s supplements and will begin the regiment once everything arrives.
Fingers crossed that my ill days are behind me. Will add some pics later.