You can have a heater or multiple heaters linked to multiple temperature probes.
So I have 5 heaters in my system. 3 in my sump and 2 in the frag tank. Sense the frag tank is linked to the main system I monitor the temp in both tanks. Back ground info first. The pump that supplies my frag tank is located in my refuge then the drain drops in to my return section. I did this to help eliminate noise from falling water and planed out my heaters. My 187g has a temp probe in the tank so does the frag tank in tank. The heaters are located in the return section of the sump. So if we fallow the flow of water. Heated water will go from the return section into the tank then to sump. First the refuge then skimmer and last back to return. So the heated water has gone from the return section and in the 187g display before it goes through the frag tank.
Now I’m the frag the heats in there can also heat up the water and that water drops into the return section then goes through the display. Hope that wasn’t to confusing on the flow of water through the system.
Now here’s one way to program a heater to multiple temp probes. The temp probe in my display is labeled “TEMP”. The temp in my frag tank is labeled “FRGTMP”.
So say I want to turn the heaters of in the frag tank if the main tank gets to hot. So I select the outlet for the frag tank heater and use these line in advanced setting.
1. Fallback off
2. If FRGTMP < 77.0 then on
3. If FRATMP > 78.0 then off
4. If TEMP > 78.5 then off
That 4th line allows the apex to use multiple probes on that one outlet.
No this way above is fine, but I use a virtual outlet for all my items that generate heat. Like Metal halides, old school non dc pumps, and heater.
So I first create a virtual outlet and name the outlet Tem_ShtOff. Then I add these lines in advanced program section
1. Set off
2. If TEMP > 79.0 then on
3. If FRGTMP > 79.0 then on
Ok so that’s all you need to do for the virtual outlet.
Now go in to any outlet that has a piece of equipment that creates heat like heaters, MH’s, calcium reactors, or older pumps and add this line
If outlet Tem_ShtOff on then off
This line will act as a master shutoff for any device that will cause the temp to rise in my system.
Here’s the virtual outlet
Heater outlet programming