Recent content by Wetdreads

  1. W

    240gl Custom acrylic tank and steel stand

    That's actually a 225g if your dimensions are correct.
  2. W

    Always check salinity first.

    Sucks man, I hate losing simplex's. That's a pretty mellow swing for salinity, though, especially over 2 weeks. The pink lemonade likes high light, but you have to acclimate it. Ours is right under a blasting halide and in front of the 6105.
  3. W

    Space Invader at Age in LB

    Thing has the biggest single eye ive ever seen, its like and inch and a half across of orange goodness. Bad iphone pic
  4. W

    My friend has a cyano problem;-)

    Red slime remover all day. It works so well and is way better than doing the right steps..
  5. W


    Run a polyfilter asap!!!!
  6. W

    Aquascape showdown

    Here's the current 180
  7. W

    Aquascape showdown

    Here's some of my work from previous tanks. 135 240 Reefapalooza 2012 Fuge Ill throw pics of the new tank up later tonight.
  8. W

    After the crash!!!

    Why would you not do a water change after you found the blade.. How long of a period are you talking in between dropping it, taking it out, and things getting better? Sounds like there could be lots of variables involved, less the blade. I've found all kinds of metal in different tanks and...
  9. W

    my new awesome acan!!!

    Dang.. Magazine famous acans and a rock of jawbreakers.. I really should check out your stash haha.
  10. W

    Behind the Scenes Tour at Aquarium of the Pacific.

    Our buddy works at the aquarium in Long Beach and took us upstairs to see the shark tank and different systems. It was pretty cool, we got to talk to the divers and see some bigass skimmers. Shark tank deck Divers going in to feed. Skimmer was 2 Tmoney's tall. Top of the big reef tank...
  11. W

    coolest looking and rarest bta's?

    These are my Lemon Drops. Arguably the hardest nem to get ahold of. I waited three years before i found them. They're canary yellow, one with white speckles.
  12. W

    Water Cycling

    If you want to save money use water from your water change in your other tank. Ocean water is nasty.
  13. W

    Itroducing my new acro: Voltron

    Def wanna check out some frags soon danny, you stcoked up right now?
  14. W

    Itroducing my new acro: Voltron

    I dont get the hype thread thing, seems like youre going down a slippery slope. You're allowed to sell frags. You're allowed to show off frags. You're not allowed to do both in a certain order?
  15. W

    Let's see some Pectina Corals!

    So big now..